RE: Beware the Scammers in Sheep's Skin // See who I am in my footer - verifed identity and LinkedIn too ;-) feel safe

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Beware the Scammers in Sheep's Skin // See who I am in my footer - verifed identity and LinkedIn too ;-) feel safe

in poetry •  6 years ago 


I'm not certain what precisely went on respecting this incident. But here is a thing of which I am certain:

@trumanity / @oneazania is a good and honorable man and is an asset to the blockchain in general, and a huge asset to the poetry community in particular.

There is precisely ZERO chance that he is involved with any kind of SCAM. If you see something of his that has been flagged as such, it is most certainly erroneous. I am willing to stake my reputation upon it.

Recently, I wrote a Series of Articles about "How to Fix Steemit." The second article in the series discussed the issue of Downvoting in general, and Censorship Downvoting specifically. It also discussed a proposal to address this increasing problem. I highly suggest you give it a read.

Here's another couple that are pertinent:

Throughout the Series, one of my themes is the necessity to start including the "human element" into the system, whether in adjudicating conflicts or with respect to the curation of content.

"Commie! Dictator! Fascist! Nazi!"

Cryptocurrencies were created, and are largely run by, 20- to 30-somethings who believe that algorithms can, and will, solve all of the world's problems. No Rulers, No Rules is their mantra. Human involvement, in any form other than their own (because they still have to have Lambos), constitutes blasphemy, a moral sin.

Indeed, I have discussed, at length, how this belief has become a "ideology" akin to a "religion."

As a 50-year-old, I can assure them, and you, that they are wrong.

Computers have an IQ of zero and algorithms are incapable of "exercising discretion," using common-sense to adjudicate the particulars of a situation as opposed to blindly applying a series of IF/THEN statements.

One of my central proposals was the creation and implementation of a Sheriff & Jury system. In essence, the election of 2-3 full-time Sheriffs who would ferret out Offensive Behaviors (as defined by the community and articulated in formal Rules of Conduct) and refer them to a randomly selected, and anonymous, Jury of Three Steemians for adjudication. Offensive Behaviors, I submitted, would include SPAM and SCAMs.

@arcange's algorhythm's made a mistake and, to his credit, he quickly admitted the mistake and made a public apology. So ... no harm, no foul, right?

Maybe. Maybe not. The "story" always gets a lot more play than does the "retraction." Are there people who saw the allegation, but not its negation? Are they now talking about this via DM and in Discord chatrooms? Have they un-followed Trumanity as a result? Did the allegation trigger curation-bots to blacklist him?

No one knows. But if it can happen to him, it can happen to me and it can happen to you.

The broader issue is why such as bot is required in the first place. I have argued it's because there are no Rules of Conduct, and no practical method of enforcing them even if there were.

Bots are created when no human alternative exists. So what's standing in the way of a human alternative ... the ideological objections of the "crypto-anarchists / anarcho-capitalists" ... and yes, "anarchy" is a name they sport proudly.


Oh ... what a hero.


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