Negative Thoughts
Negative Thoughts
Making me dizzy
You generate misery
Barging in on me constantly
Just when I become happy ,
You invade again...
The permanent smile becomes fake
Negative Thoughts
Useless Utter
Haunt me all around the clock
Push in without a knock
Alone with these thoughts
Now my head hurts,
Doubts ... Regrets
Inability to comprehend my knowledge
Composition of my mind becomes shattered
Everything seems wrecked
Where is the intellect?
No control over you...
I'm forced to Resist a chance that might benefit
Too many tricks are being played on me.
Second voice
Sais stop it
Come on think positive ,
No ,on purpose you cause the worry,
You are still there you haven't vanished...
By Rozalia Polnik
If you felt identified let me know, I write for you. Negative thoughts attack all lf us but we must always fight them.
Love Rose