The Judgement of the World
The world is full of judging eyes
That scan the deeds of every soul
They measure worth by outward guise
And weigh the heart with false control
They do not heed the sacred call
To judge not lest they be judged too
They do not seek to mend the fall
But rather to condemn and rue
They do not know the grace of God
That pardons all who will repent
They do not feel the Savior's rod
That guides the lost to His intent
They do not live the golden rule
To treat their neighbors as themselves
They do not share the precious jewel
Of loving God above all else
They do not learn the art of love
That heals the wounds of every strife
They do not bless the ones who shove
But rather curse and hold the knife
They do not grasp the gift of peace
That flows from God's forgiving hand
They do not let their grudges cease
But rather keep them as a brand
They do not see that demons hide
Within the chambers of their mind
They do not face the dark inside
But cast their shadows on mankind
They do not heed the final day
When they shall stand before the throne
They do not fear the price they'll pay
But rather think they'll be condoned
They do not know the judge they face
Is not the Lord who reigns above
But rather their own self-disgrace
That spurned His mercy and His love