Am Adam and she is Eve, she was my helpmate

in poetry •  7 years ago 

Everything started with me
It used to just be me alone
I was all alone with nature
I spent my exquisite time with the mammals
Exchanging beast with mute that can’t talk back to me

This was my abode
It is called the Eden’s garden
She was very beautiful
The boastful colours of nature enhance the atmosphere
That everything around me looks beautiful

This was how it all started
I chill in the cool of the day
Comforted by the almighty
And guided by his voice, this is life
Even in the presence of two, am still alone

In case you didn’t am Adam by name
One night I was asleep
And when I woke up, it was no longer me alone
Something happened during my slumber
Now there is another person

She looked just like me
Her physique was crafted to suit her ability
Beauty incarnate she was
And her name was Eve
Her hair and charm confuses me that things became one

Beauty was her and she was pretty
At that moment in my life I experience a touch
Am Adam and am also Eve
She came from me and her skeletal was taking to create
Something I didn’t have. She is me

She was a wo-man
This one bone from my bone and flesh from my flesh
She will be called woman because she was taken from man
This shows why a man leaves his father and mother
And get joined to his wife
She was my help mate

thanks for going through this.

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