Can't do right by them
Can't shout that noisy
I am in obscurity can't get out off" said my heart crying
"It is contacting" answered my brain
" you were so kind
Be that as it may, that wasn't right
No spot in this world for sorts
This ain't the world for them
Meriting what they don't merit
They resemble false blossoms developed
Listen sibling
They don't need u
They needn't bother with u
U are useless
U are pointless
Stop,stop beating, quit attempting"
Talked my sort
"I won't stop
I won't quit beating
I won't quit attempting
I will bow before my god
What's more, ask for benevolence
Kindness for being thoughtful
What a world
What a real existence
Tree of torment developing all over me
Water of disorder suffocating me
I appreciate marvel of nature
Be that as it may, not when they are against me
May u hear what I state
Animals of god
An address the body
Hand, don't cut ur twin sibling
He have sat idle
Eyes, don't lose ur water
Cuz u don't have cash
Legs, quit strolling
Cuz u don't know where ur going
All of u will do as I state
For whatever length of time that I am beating
Sibling mind
A debt of gratitude is in order for the exhortation
Yet, it worth nothing"
Talked my heart delicately.