in poetry •  3 years ago  (edited)


It's time to throw off the blanket
that covered some cold times.

It's time to lighten the old backpack,
with which I walked my steps
in this blessed land of mutant color.

It's time to take off dresses
do not respond to the woman who inhabits
this new turn.

It is time to peel off skins that witnessed all that I was throughout each cycle.

It's time to distill my own water, gain knowledge in the sound of wisdom.

It's time to part some clue,
that cliché thanking farewell.

It's time to move the gear mechanism, they made the machine run hard,
but with daring.

It is time to shatter the fortress,
passing without trembling through portals
opening like roses.

It's time to leave a remnant and some potsherds, I go for the authenticity of the stripping dancing the ephemeral, the iridescence of the momentum.

It's time to spread my wings with the strength of love as a star. Beauty is behind and in front.

It is time to inaugurate the luminous dew, the spiraling inner ascent.


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