Mathis stood upright in the bathtub
It was not his
He stood for all those who would not stand beside him
In that bathtub
He stood for those who chose to sit
The free
Our dreams were like his water
His daughters
He would stand and watch the tub fill
--Overrun the frame
Because his feet blocked the flow from perusing any farther
As if our father
Mathis stood atop the drain so we mustn't ever feel
His bathtub pain
And he too dreams but he cannot sleep
For if he sleeps our dreams will fade
And then his water might just slip away
And so it seems, with times like these
He can’t be free
Our dreams are real to him because he knows
He can feel it
The water was something that
He could see
C l e a r l y
He believes
The voices in his head Told Him He Was Free.
They lied
His mind lisps quickly in an attempt
To rationalize
His conviction to this unconventional crucifixion
At least he tried
--To stay awake
And he too dreams but he cannot see
For if he sees our dreams escape
And then his mind might just waste away