I love him like this
Violent winds
Heavy rains
My passion is a storm
When I’ve met my fate
And I yearn for chaos
Threshold of destruction
To be reborn on the other side
An eruption
All for him.
Rolling thunder
Warning signs
Became electrified
Is he mine?
If I am his?
Holding my kite out - in risk
The key to my heart, tied - in bliss
His light rips open the night sky - paralysis
In one crash, I’ve became blind - for him
In love.
An intensity I haven’t touched before
Without a safety wire grounding me
From electrocution and more
A deer in headlights practically
So the piano sings
Where is my love?
Translate a melody
In our rough tongues
I confess these words on paper
While I’m mute at my lips
For all they can do now
Is give my complete heart
To him in kiss