Testing the waters

in poetry •  6 years ago  (edited)

Testing the waters

I wanted to see
what you could offer me,
To perhaps walk a new path

To look upon you
and see what was new,
Is there more than my last

Your look and feel
I understand the appeal,
To schedule an odd task

An altered view
Of what was once blue,
Envy's green it could cast

Soon we may speak
From atop the peak,
But I won't move so fast.

I thought I would have a little peek at @Steempeak before I went to bed. It has some interesting features that I will play around with a little more tomorrow but I really like the slate colour of the night mode and the activities view. What looks like it will be handy is the templates function which I will play around with more. I think that if I can save some decent templates I will be more likely to spend time on the look and feel of posts. The view to the right doesn't show the html centering though.

I am going to try and schedule this post and see what happens. I think though that people need to be careful when scheduling posts because it is very easy to 'post and run' and forget that there is an audience to engage with. Engagement is important as is timeliness. Some people take days to answer anything and by the time they do, most people have moved on or no longer remember the original thought process that led them their.

Almost 3 am though here so, good night.

[ a Steem original ]

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I think though that people need to be careful when scheduling posts because it is very easy to 'post and run' and forget that there is an audience to engage with.

Well, let's test out that theory then, shall we?

I'm typing this comment from SteemPeak. I've heard a lot of buzz about it recently and for this reply I decided to try it out. As a rule, I'm a big fan of alternative frontends because it aids decentralisation. As more people start using other frontends, it will become harder and harder for Steemit to influence the direction of the Steem platform simply by running the most popular gateway.

No beneficiary rewards is a big plus for me as well.

I'm curious about using SteemPeak but would you guys please explain what "no beneficiary rewards" mean?

some applications take a cut of the payout for using them (dtube for example) to support their developers and run a business model. It means there is a cost paid for it. Steempeak doesn't.

Oh nice, I see. Thank you. I'm going to try it out today.

alternative frontends

Backends? :D

I quite liked it and will play a bit more. I think a few mire front ends are good and perhaps some tailored for communities or languages might help too. Now I am on my phone in bed using steemit :p

Night mate.

How did it go?

I liked it. Nice and clean and more options. In the wallet page, there was no scroll over for precise time (I found) though which sometimes comes in handy. Also, I couldn't get it to center (I used the < center > tag ) in preview.

Good job guys. I like having more options :)

I checked it out the other day. I think for scrolling the articles I am not so sure, takes up a lot of listing space. Here you can see several listings at once. I will have to go back and forth for awhile to become accustom to it, like most new things.

I will have to go back and forth for awhile to become accustom to it, like most new things.

Yeah, it isn't bad but feels a little weird. Will play more later.

Though you may go slow
Your audience will grow
That is my forecast

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

A like the duality of your poem @tarazkp. It is obvs in reference to Steempeak but it could just as easily be about the beginning of a new relationship (which is what I thought before reading the text below the poem) or seeing an old lover. Ha ha, I may have read more into the poem than is actually there, poetry can be very subjective.

Great poem, great post. I shall check out Steempeak, is it your project tarazkp?

On the thought or engageing with comments, Steem ahve 1 weakness, being that after a sertain time, posts dont actually show up in new or hot or trending regardless if there is some posts on that topic. and from that and the fact that thee is overflow of articles, most stop engaging with comments on older articles even if there is ppl commenting on them.

you could call it a twitter sickness, being that when its over "given time" old, its out of date. even if the topic is still relevant. Its the same problem that exist in what is now called news cycles. "if its not in the news, its old and not important" (North East West South ? )