On the verge of falling
I stand on this ledge
Peering over the edge of this cliff so high I do not even see its bottom
The wind gushes up at me, it throws my hair to and fro
My face prickles with delight and my feet gently sway to my toes
I will fall, I will swim in that frightfully thin air
I plummet to the bottom, never to return again
I will see another land, another place, another part of me
I will fall into that I so always desired
- a oneness with something other than me
I will not hit the ground hard, nor will it dash me to pieces
I will fall as softly as when I fall asleep
I will hit the ground as if my head on a pillow
To wake to my ever lasting dream
You are my dream, you are my oneness
To you I wish to fall into and wake up to for all eternity