What Daddy Said - My life is like a poetry #2

in poetry •  8 years ago 

What Daddy Said

"Remember darling, all men are fools"

That's what her father said.

"They play too much and turn on whiskey

When life all but have them bared."

"They always chase which Laura,

Had kissed them yesterday,

And then come back to tell you,

It's Jane they want to take away"

Little darling stared and listened

As daddy went on and on

"These fellows are so fickle,

Yet gentle as they go,

Til they bring you a rose

And crack some jokes

And you tell yourself, "I'm in love"

When he brings you home"

Time Passed for little darling,

Now crying at the door,

"Oh daddy I've been praying,

It weren't all so true,

Because daddy, you were different

You loved mommy through and through

But Daddy was gone,

There weren't words to tell little darling,

"Hush, child, cry no more."

Remember darling, men are fools"

That's what her daddy said

"But hey daddy, you weren't one of them,

I wish it weren't so

Cause I followed your words,

Yet followed my heart too"

"Because Daddy I found a me man

And I just had

To let him Go"

Image soure

Follow me @thepeachkitchen

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