
in poetry •  7 years ago 

I’m waiting for the moment 7e167c00ff8a75841376e4ff04f534c7--surreal-architecture-drawing-abigail-reynolds.jpgbuildings touch the sky.
We live in limbo between the time when buildings come from the ground and come down like stalactite drips from the sky.
When things are built from the top-down and the down-top.

I’m a down top kind of guy.
We are moving towards a top-down manner in a bottom-up way.
Everything is built from the base.
Eventually, we will be at the top and have to work downwards.
Maybe that is what nuclear war represents. The working from the top-down.

Working is a word that is loaded with meanings of progress, but you also have to work to bring things down. Just less work.
Takes more work to make a fruit that it does to eat it.
Takes more work to make a person than it does to end a person.
But I’m doing a pretty good job of it.

I’m ending ending ending.
Streams of consciousness in a muddy river.
Metaphors on metaphor,
a metaphorical cake.
How about gutter oil water of consciousness.
How about a river of consciousness.
How about brooks of consciousnesses.
How about trickle down consciousness.

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