in poetry •  7 years ago 

A Eulogy to my dear 2017 in Appreciation and in mourning.
The year i broke out and connected with the #DIVINE.

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     Like Flowers, Like Flames.

Speakers where loud, Voices where loud
Hands Raised, Prayers ans supplication Rendered
Clock ticking, Expectations high in anticipation
Mouths mute, Intentions being made known.

Three(3) things only do i seek, indeed i was granted them
Restore to me life (my Daughter), Restore to me Love
Fill me with Love for you, Spirit of Service I embrace
Give me breakthrough, Let the FLAME burn hotter.

Two(2) months gone, life restored in fullness
Father and Daughter reunited, mother gone
Painful yet happiness gained, FLOWER withering
Rebuilding Love and life, More responsibility.

In search for love, Spirituality gained
In search for direction, Spiritual guide gained
In search for recognition, service increased
In search for companionship, I became confused
In search of friendship, Family gained #MMCC.

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Responsibilities on the rise, Reality seen
High expectations draining, FLOWER withering
In pursuit of Happiness, FLAME dieing
Love received, Hope restored
Life beckons, Struggle continues.

Here comes trials, FLOWER withers
And FLAME decreases.
The morning sunrise, The reminder of Reality
The will to match on, Change on the horizon.

FLAMES of disaster, images of withered FLOWERS
Voices of lost vision, Sounds of doom
Light so far, Hope so blick and far
All lost, Responsibilities inflated
ALL is Doomed.

Angel in human form, hands outstreched
Strong hold gained, Guidance regained
So little afresh, Humility gained yet in unfamiliar way
A window gained, Wisdom sought after
All for Love of Life, A new story begins.

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Companionship found, meaning to Life Restored
Focus redirected, Smiles for above reflective in appearance
FLAMES of Hope, FLOWER reborn
Restoration a new, All in 1
Achievements visible, trials faced with optimism.

Grace upon grace, Favors and thanksgiving
Testimonies rendered, Grace upon grace
Uncertainty left to the #Divine, His Will not mine
Future insured, Lessons learnt the Hard way.

Season of joy, Season of Happiness
Season of Love, Season of Share
Restitution observed, Self Examination done
Future so Bright, Hope and Faith visible
Optimism High, Pace increased.

Reaching for Gold, #Divine Will in place
Adieus Twenty Seventeen (2017)

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Your flowers are better ))

Thanks for you understanding of my Eulogy

All that life gave me throughout 2017

Nice post sir @tochukwu88