in poetry •  7 years ago 

I put thoughts in your mind.
I steal your precious time.
I brainwash you, I change what you think, what you believe and feel.
I don't want you to think for yourself.
I won't allow it.
I tell you when to laugh, when to cry.
I'm so good at it, I even tell you what to laugh an cry about.
I tell you what and when to sell, swap or buy.
I decide what's wrong or right for your life.
I decide your entirety.
I am evil.
I steal you from your family, your friends, your lover.
When you are together, without my presence, I still decide what's on your mind.
I sway your thoughts, your discussions.
You talk of thoughts I put in your mind, you can't help it.
I've created a prison in which I have enslaved your mind and body.
Willingly, your soul will follow.
I steal your health, I make you fat and lazy.
You eat what I say you will.
You have no free will.
You can't live without me.
You crave my existence.
I nourish your brain.
I fulfil you with false existence.
I make you feel false realities are all real.
You live your life through me, for me. You are all my slaves, humble servants that I've imprisoned.
No need to beat you, I mould you, I groom you.
You let me, you like me, you love me.
You won't even imagine, living without me.
You yearn for my thoughts, my wisdom, my guidance, you can't live without me.
You want me.
I am truly evil.
I decide your political, religious and moral views or beliefs.
I decide what you can do, think or say.
I can't allow you to think for yourself, it's bad for my masters existence.
I am evil.
What am I ???
I am the media, the advertising, the movies you watch.
Your television.
You allow me in your bedroom, I ruin your sex life, your intimate moments I steal.
You command people not to speak, so you can hear me better.
You switch off to each other, so you can take in all I sell, it's not free.
The price is your soul.
You entrust, an allow me to raise your children for you.
I decide what they think, the foods they want eat, the purchases, they force you to make.
Ultimately I decide their future, your future, everyone's future.
Your fate is in my hands.
My masters are very pleased with my success, accomplishments, my results.
They are true trickery.
I am evil beyond belief.
All believe me.
I make all think my way.
You!!!! Live now, how I say!!!!
But I need you to want me, so I can go on.
For it's easily fixed, what I am is so wrong.
For all I am, I stop at the tower.
After that, it is you, the fool, who gives me my power.
Turn off the idiot box.
Get off your buttocks.
Use your brain to entertain, you won't go insane, start thinking, start living.
WAKE UP !!!!

Author. Tony 99%er OUT OF THE BOX

Pics by Google images.

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So fucking powerful Tony!!! These lines especially:

You allow me in your bedroom, I ruin your sex life, your intimate moments I steal.

You entrust, an allow me to raise your children for you.
I decide what they think, the foods they want eat, the purchases, they force you to make.

Even reading it makes me a little ill. Very condescending piece though so relevant in our times. ️Especially the part with kids and the bedroom since people normally own more than one idiot box. It was called the idiot box by my grandparents. They all knew something and never seen one in their bedrooms or even two in the house. But we are the product of the part they missed by using it to babysit. You'd most likely already know about the push by GUMBYMENT to get one installed in every home in Mexico. Cos it's everyone's right to be informed and have entertainment in this day and age. Must have missed the everyone rights part about clean drinking water or other advancements with technology like maybe refrigeration first. It's only my opinionand /preference if it be my choice.

Yeah you're damn right they missed the one about access to clean water, proper plumbing, hell even shelter. Sick fucks!!

Sad stat of affairs in the world. But we'll just keep workin on fixin it ❤️

Well said mate. Lyndsay summed it up.

The powers who say they are protecting us are protecting us from what..... our indvidual freedom!

All here know where it's at.

Right on...true but how sad, actually, how really really sad.

Hopefully people see something they may be missing and it helps. As for sad truths. Are you sure you want to keep reading my stuff? Cos I see many things to write sad truths about. 😝😇❤️

yes Tony I can read sad. I am presently living sad. Sad is a part of life. It is real and makes us who we are and helps me appreciate the not sad days. The days where life is alive. So really keep on writing sad and I will read it. I listen to sad music. All the same. It is deep. :)))

Lot of truth can be written from it. I do feel for you but I know you are very strong and going to be ok. Living is all about overcoming what life throws at us.

yes. this is true. At this point in my life it has thrown so much I keep thinking I am finished. But noooooo. I am getting tired. What I need is a break in between. But alas the warm sun and spring time is just around the corner. Thanks for having my back.

I don't have friends I have family. I always got you. Peace out mummabear

:))) x