Men Struggles

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

I wake up a man
To take the lead
Live for me, her and them
I spent my teenage learning to be a man
I'm a man now
I have to make the money
I have to make the first move always
We don't get celebrated for any achievement, afterall we are men
I am supposed to be tough on the outside and never weak, after all men don't cry

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Men are scum! Men are Scum!!
We are constantly under attack and we cant complain
Our girlfriends purposely set us up to test our faithfulness
We are hated for merely existing and can't make a move without being seen as the enemy
Our strength is tied to masculinity and are not permitted to be weak

We need to breathe
We need a dose of fresh air
We need warmth and love
We need to be supported

Sometimes we could be a mess
Alone, lonely and depressed
Weak, tired and struggling to live
Judged, confused and misunderstood

we are not the enemy
Stop making a fight out of everything
Some of us have been hurt too
Don't always play the victim

We need love
Men are not scum
We have struggles too


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You write pretty well hun

Thanks shuga

Men are not lord we have our bad time too and we are not gods we have struggle too and we have problem of our own too dat we have to take care of but we will put our family own first that who a man is this is why we are called man


@vheobong this is cool...coming from a girl 🖒

Yeah, thanks

Hmmmm....... Y is she writing about men. Nice one dear.

I love men na

men lead the deaths in modern suicide 7/10
female circumcision is non existent, but half of boys in the WEST are cut...
men lead the stats in work based death, because we do the dangerous work..
men built all structures.. just look around
boys are failing school and higher education is disproportionate amounts
are the patriarchy hurting ourselves, or the 50+ years om feminization of men?

thanks for being woke!

Thanks for your thoughts too
Men are less appreciated these days, they are seen as the enemy