Mirage state

in poetry •  7 years ago 

I have been quiet, I have watched without complain,
You came to me as a client, but now my home you drain,
Forcing me to diet, I obeyed despite the fatal pain,
Always told to be quiet, yet you control me and never explain,

To the world am ordained, to appear as a perfect state,
You took time and had me designed, to look like a state,
When onlookers complained, you yelled that am a sovereign state,
My righted you have retained, and I can’t operate as a state,

You scramble for my resource, and drain me of serenity,
You fight me for no course, am forced to believe is modality,
I screamed until am hoarse, for my silence you thought is sanity,
My children you send off-course, in other state they live in poverty,

Made to believe am being liberated, from a war that you created,
Every gun you shoot is deliberated, I wonder when this will be completed,
You say my story is being exaggerated, and at times overrated,
In my silence I cry for children you separated, yet once you were federated,

I see you soar, as you drain me and more you earn,
My wounds are getting sour, and mind you am getting stern,
This might turn into war, and you won’t like it when I stearn,
Pieces of me you have tore, to be whole is what I yearn,
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