Lost and Found

in poetry •  6 years ago  (edited)

The sun began to set,
As I wandered through your thoughts,
Encapsulated, completely by,
The escaping light,
I thought was caught.

Divergent ways;
Your paradisaical plays,
Filled these vast caves,
In which I began to lay.

A beat of a distant pulse,
Created the tools,
For the ancient artist,
To create his loose -
Fitted heart, too obtuse to be Art.

Memories - bled down the walls,
Trickling in teardrops,
Until they all stopped;
And began to crawl.

I saw the hole that needed be fixed,
But upon the approach,
Mixed feelings started to encroach,
Baffling even the most,
Gifted painter of tricks.

Black hole; show me the worst,
Devour a pale man,
Like its all been rehearsed,
For this reverse of the curse,
I am told is the least of what is deserved.

Whether to endure,
Or to claw,
My way back to the door,
From where I entered,
And first saw,

The sun beginning to set,
As I wanted it all to unfold,
Once more

// a Weird Fish poem

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