My Fallible Soul - Of our identity in God (2022)

in poetry •  11 months ago 

Dear Lord Jesus, my Shepard, send your Spirit to guide me
and my fallible soul
You’re beyond my comprehension; how else could I take hold?
Of your love-To live in true charity?
Of your sovereignty- to walk in your authority, with humility?
Of your revelations- to shine the true light of your wisdom;
with integrity and honor before you;
blameless, only through you?
Dear Lord Jesus, my master - send your light to shine on me; and my fallible soul
So my darkness is no competition, now that you have taken hold
with your truth - so no lie may be so bold
With your liberty - to break me free of my chains;
so the accuser can no longer blame
with your Holy Spirit - to set my life aflame
with joy that I may praise you only,
with freedom to hear and accomplish your will
Father God, my king - send your Spirit to live in me;
so I may partake of your mercy, grace and love
So my life, my very being is the tabernacle, that which you inhabit from above
To refresh, strengthen, renew, and yes, replace
my fallible soul.


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