Girl in a Box - A living poem

in poetry •  7 years ago 


This is a true story poem....written real-time - a living poem.

I have done considerable inner work throughout my life to heal from some pretty traumatic experiences. Poetry has always been my therapy and a means to move through my emotions in order to get to the other side where peace and wisdom live. Poetry saved me in a lot of ways.

As I was cleaning out a closet one day, I found this box. Not just any box, but 'THE BOX'. I hadn't opened it in decades. THE BOX that held all those words from the wounded child buried long ago. It kind of startled me as if a clashing of two worlds suddenly emerged from the shadows of my past. It didn't occur to me to open it. I didn't want to open it. I had no need to open it. Yet, after moving it to the middle of the floor, there it was, "Open me!" This went on for days until I was faced with the choice to return this wounded child to her resting place again or 'open' the box. "Open me!"

Surely I am strong enough now. Perhaps this will be healthy to test these deep waters. Yes, I am strong enough! Maybe it will be healthy to re-visit and tell her that everything will be okay.

I opened the box and began to read each tear-stained page and what happened next was so unexpected and beautiful....

With pen in hand......

Girl in a Box

Opening up the box
I see her lying there
Watermarked and faded

And I hesitate in the stillness
And the smells of yesterday

My heart drops like thunder
And my eyes feel the rain
Entering into this memory she left frozen in its pain

Am I ready to call her spirit forth
To walk that road of hollows?
Shall I wake her up again to walk in that sorrow?

In the Stillness, she calls to me from dusty sheets of time
Each one filled with the rhythmic dances of her mind

I follow her in blind-twilight...into the seasons of her heart
Tripping on the stones I carry through this heavy night

And she hands to me a flickering light
With images tumbling in time

Each one takes me deeper
Into the recesses of her mind

And then I find myself within the spring of her creation
A solitary island of timeless inspiration

Fragrant with the joys of new
And love's first clear delight

Motionless within the freedom
of her weightless mind

She stands with me in silence
And holds her hand in mine

And in her reflection, my eyes feel love's spring
Dancing from the rhythm of her heart's paper wings

And I smile with her as we walk a bit further
Dropping stones along the way

Wondering where she is taking me
As I turn another page.................................

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A beautiful poem and I just couldn't help myself but read it out loud and then I thought why not read and record it and drop it here as sound - a tribute to a wonderful poem.

I hope you don't mind @youhavewings, this was published privately on soundcloud so only people with this link can view it and I can take it down if you're not happy with it. I was just inspired to do a reading. Thanks for sharing this truly lovely, bittersweet poetry.

@raj808 I am profoundly moved! What a special, special person you are. That meant the world to me. So grateful for your kindness. I don't know how you read my poem and made it flow, but you did! :) So beautiful. Can I keep it? How do I save it? I love it! Thank you! How quickly energy shifts, eh? The blessing part - even exchange. Thank you!

I can send you a wav file if you want to publish it to dsound? + Give your wonderful poem a second outing in spoken word format? I put it on SoundCloud in a private publication like that because it is not my poem + I didn't want anyone to think I was trying to make anything from your work. Let me know if you would like the wav file @youhavewings, I could dm you on discord if you're on there? I'm glad you enjoyed the reading, it was a pleasure to read out your work and it flowed very naturally :-)

I would love that, @raj808. :) I learned something from your reading. Just as my husband was reading your story with me and we had tears in our eyes, so too your reading of my poem. We were both very moved. Your gift was like a cherry on top of an already amazing experience. So grateful.

We listened to your other poem on Sound Cloud - your writing is truly inspirational. So much so that it lent me a much needed spark for going deeper in my writing again. I needed a muse!

My name is the same on Discord.

Have a beautiful day!

That's fantastic that you enjoyed the story and the other poem on soundcloud. Lol, I think it was my Halloween poem that I put up there about the crow? One of the most amazing things about steemit is the inspiration and support that it can offer and I'm glad I could be a part of that for someone else. It has happened to me quite a few times when someone has engaged with my work in a special way and I like to do the same when I can. I'm glad to hear you have a spark for writing again, my work here is done 😄 Anyway, I shall seek you out on discord and share the raw file of the reading of 'girl in a box'.

There was a little flavor of Edgar Allen Poe to your poem. I also imagined you having a sleepless night when you wrote it ;)

So incredibly difficult to hit the 'post' button on this one. I am deeply grateful for the upvotes and comments on this piece. Means so much. Mmmm - my heart. Thank you!

I was a little scared when I started reading, probably because I can really relate with bottling up a lot of emotions and then spilling them with the pen. I'm glad you found the courage to open the box, I'm glad you're finding or have found peace. At times, what holds us back is the fear to face our fears, and fear is a fleeting shadow - it scrambles at the arrival of light. Well-done, you're a good writer.

@oluwandusin I've never been afraid of my inner terrain. It's a good place to be if you're a writer, musician, artist. Feeling is good...we grow from feeling. I didn't expect this would go to such a beautiful place though. I expected deep sadness (which was there). I think that when we go through deep traumas, we tend to lose pieces of ourselves. This was an experience in reclaiming some of those beautiful pieces that I had forgotten were a part of who I am. Very healing. Thank you for your kind words and comment. Much love to you @oluwadunsin.

Great poem filled with tons of emotion. Love it! Hopefully confronting some of the things you had locked away in the box helped in your healing. Thanks for sharing it and look forward to reading more.

Yes! It was very healing. Thank you so much.

Wao! @youhavewings, this is my first time of coming across your post. I must confess, you made my day with this wonderful poem of yours.

I think i will stick around to have more

@aduragbemi The absolute sweetest words. I am so honored to have you stick around. Thank you so very much. Wishing you a beautiful day.

This is a beautiful poem and very well written. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. It takes a lot of courage to share, but it helps to bring us a little closer together in our shared humanity. I love that you've found love's spring in the midst of pain and sorrow.

The imagery of the "box" also reminded me of another poem by Mary Oliver called "The Uses of Sorrow":

"(In my sleep I dreamed this poem)

Someone I loved once gave me
a box full of darkness.

It took me years to understand
that this, too, was a gift."

@idyllwild ! I love your blog and what you put into it from your heart. It is truly beautiful - like you. Thank you so much for this lovely post and sharing Mary Oliver's poem - I will definitely go and read the rest of it. Enjoy your day on your very beautiful farm (dream of ours, too!) :)

I agree with you. Poetry can be theraphy for everyone.

I upvote for you and followed you. Nice to meet you at Steemit.

Yes it can! So very nice to meet you and so pleased to follow you as well.

what a powerful poem @youhavewings - I have been through similar "unboxings" and it truly is a process of evolution. Good luck on your walk <3 <3

Thank you @amariespeaks Yes, I agree....lifelong. So sorry that you've had traumas, too - it can be very difficult but at the same time full of deep growth and understanding. Much love to you.

yes - I look back and think I'd keep the bad stuff just because it's made me who I am today and I'm grateful I've become more compassionate and caring versus bitter and vengeful - thanks for the love <3 sending much back to you too :)

beautiful poem......i look forward to reading more

Thank you, @rashonq

Very lovely post @youhavewings... I liked it very much. I know you are knew here, but if you keep this up you will be a star here one day! You have talent ;)

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Thank you.

I'm incredibly happy that you found this work of art... As well as the ability to free the girl trapped in the box.

Thank you, @agirlis. So true