in poetry •  7 years ago 

Here, there
Back and forth
Oft and oft
Tossed about
No power of mine
To keep me rooted


I go where the wind sails
Its journey and guidance
Where er it leads, I follow
For other choice, I have not
My weight a-nothing
Compared to its raving wiles

The journey has left me drained, lost
Without a place to call home
But on whom shall I cast the blame
When T'is I who left the body
That held my close-knitted family together
A fool's thoughts of lone success
Hear, Hear
This prodigal son hath no hope for return


So I will flail
Follow where the wind tosses me still
And long for the day I be buried deep in earth
No more to roam
For I am just a lost feather after all
A feather in the wind

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Your post speaks for you, tells us your'e such a creative writer. Kudos

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