RE: The Cat Metamorphosed Into A Woman. By Jean de La Fontaine

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The Cat Metamorphosed Into A Woman. By Jean de La Fontaine

in poetrytime •  4 years ago 


The Cat Metamorphosed Into A Woman. By Jean de La Fontaine

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A bachelor caress'd his cat,
A darling, fair, and delicate;
So deep in love, he thought her mew
The sweetest voice he ever knew.
By prayers, and tears, and magic art,
The man got Fate to take his part;
And, lo! one morning at his side
His cat, transform'd, became his bride.
In wedded state our man was seen
The fool in courtship he had been.
No lover e'er was so bewitch'd
By any maiden's charms
As was this husband, so enrich'd
By hers within his arms.
He praised her beauties, this and that,
And saw there nothing of the cat.
In short, by passion's aid, he
Thought her a perfect lady.

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