Oh, so you're a little short on cash, and you need to find places to cut expenses? Understandable, most inexperienced small business owners go through that problem. Now how about you avoid this entire "fire the nany" conflict and cut the REAL excess expense of this podcast business, and do this like most of us do.
Watch A Real Blogger VS Alex Inc Here: http://ccpandhgvideos.blogspot.com/2018/04/a-real-blogger-vs-alex-inc.html
Get Free Bitcoin with my faucet rotator: http://rotator.doublebitcoins.com/r/PokematicsAwesomeFaucets/
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pokematic
My website: http://ccpandhgvideos.blogspot.com/2010/12/home.html
This is a little different from what I normally upload to my youtube channel, but the lessons are an important thing for all aspiring video creators to learn.
#pokematic #alexinc #abc #episode4 #costsavings #blog #blogger #podcast
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