Pokemon go ( hatched togepi but the game is getting boring again)steemCreated with Sketch.

in pokemongo •  8 years ago  (edited)

I think Niantic has disappointed many players during these holidays, after the awesome double candy Halloween everybody was left wanting for more. 

And for weeks since then devs have promised things that have not surfaced, including the release of the legendery pokemons player vs player engagement, healing spots for wounded pokemons etc.

The Christmas promo includes only one interesting feature a free incubator ( one time use) each day collected at the first pokestop. 

You can buy ( holidays presents ) which are quite expensive and useless they include the same above mentioned incubators and either incense or pokeballs.

I still like playing the game, I'm just frustrated at how long they are taking to keep the game interesting, if another good geo based game arrives I will surely try it out!

By the way I'm lev 29, share any cool new pokemons that you have caught in comments below

This morning I hatched an egg and got Togepi here is a screenshot.


Check out my other pokemon go post

Follow @aidancloquell 

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At least you hatched one of this new ones.
I had one Caterpie and Polliwag.

That sucks, keep trying im walking with 5 incubators now maybe if I hatch another monster i can post about it later

We caught pichu!

Hatched this after 20 eggs or so. I am level 23. this game is boring, unless they bring more pokestops in the rural zone because the way I see it, there are more pokemons than balls around.


awesome! yeah there are so many areas without stops of gyms

It's so cute. I have not hatched or seen any of the babies so far.
Quite disappoint.