1195 hands played. Total progress: 17,602 hands out of 500k.
Everything is going good at the new level. Two more of my plants saw daylight during the night. And so I now have 6 plants of zucchini. And around 45 buyins to play at this level before I can jump up.
I saw that RIO poker did some announcements today. This is the poker site that Phil Galfond is doing at Runitonce. Sounds good. One can go into the RIO training site and check out Phil’s post, that’s what I did. In short, it’s about the future RIO poker having anonymous tables, no huds allowed and there will be dynamic avatars.
There are people being negative about how RIO poker is planned out, but if I ever played badly it wasn’t because of the circumstances in the software or the site, it was usually my mindset and bankroll management that were the biggest factors. So I think the most important things are usually within my power. At least nowadays.
I do think there are shady poker sites out there, and I have definitely been the victim of some collusion etc. I just did not realize that it was going on at the time. So right now I play on the one site that I actually trust. And RIO would be another one probably, if the tax situation wouldn’t be too complicated for me as a non-american.