Day 6: I played 1921 hands. So far that will be 10,508 hands out of 500k hands.
The only thing I knew after hatching the idea of this challenge was that I am going to do it. I want to keep writing blogposts about my progress or things i run into and then evaluate results later. I am simply in doing-mode. It's not perfect, but it's happening.
What studying am I doing? I have a course that I bought from a site and that is really good for everything basically. I am listening to and taking notes on those videos for about half an hour a day. That’s enough for right now I think. I also do some hand analysis on my own.
In the past it’s been really hard to find out who gives the right information (for me) when there is so much out there. And one approach that may be good for somebody else may not be good for me at all. Even if it’s the ”optimal” solution. I think personality comes into poker to some extent, but it’s also all about being aware of the important factors that play in a decision in general.
At the lowest level of cash games I have run into opponents betting very small on the river, so I am induced to bluff them, and then they think - think - think and hero call with a bluff catcher. Haha.
When they call I’m expecting them to turn over some kind of hand that wants to induce a bluff. I’m putting myself in a bad spot vs these types, and they are also putting themselves in difficult spots vs me. It’s funny.
This happened too many times though. So I have stopped interpreting bet sizes as firmly, and also don’t try to fold out any types of pairs vs people who do call everything :)