Play POKER to Lose ! A strategy for losing !

in poker •  7 years ago  (edited)

Tired of all that advice {books, etc.} from those saints of gambling who out of the goodness of their gambling hearts will tell you how to beat them playing poker!!! - Get serious, no poker player whose income and prestige depends on poker is going to tell you how to win - What they feed you is half truths and lies.

What I will give you, yes you, is the truth - a genuine plan for losing and will give reasons and validations for playing a 'losing game'.

Fitst, the philosophy:
If you become a known winner - You will end up a loser - the players will not gamble against you and will only bet when they have you beat - As a loser you will get much more action - and may even sometimes win.

But, and this is the second point, do not leave the table a winner - Keep playing until you have gambled most, if not all of it back ; After all, why make enemies - you'll have a lot more friends as a contributor - Nobody really likes poker winners.

Third point - Pay no attention to strategy and odds - Strategy and odds only work if you have the right hand at the right time, in the right place - It comes down to either Pure Luck or a rigged game! And if you are loser anyway there is little likelihood that
they will rig the game against you - So remain a pigeon, you will be well liked and have many friends.

Which reminds me of a true story: Arnold Rothstein {'The Big Bankroll'} was one the most powerful mobsters the underworld ever produced and, famous as a gambling hustler as well - Until, after a poker game with his friends, he was gunned down on the streets of NY and died shortly afterwards - Again another reason for losing - You will sleep better at night.

A final few words on strategy and odds - If you keep playing the way you are supposed everyone will know exactly what you are doing - Unless you are really good at the dumb drunk act - But in that case you may end up like Arnold Rothstein.

So enjoy life, make friends, and sleep well at night - Be a happy go lucky loser!

One more true story:

I personally knew, and played with a card player in one those small legal card clubs California used to have {mostly big casino type operations nowadays} - And there was this fellow who looked and sounded like a normal person - But he wasn't - He was
a very bad loser, and if he lost a hand that he thought he should have won - He would stand up take the deck of those hard to destroy plastic playing cards, rip them into pieces - And like a Werewolf would change in front of your eyes into something very much like this:


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Odds only equal out in the long run - Like near infinity . In the short run of the real world streaks of luck determine who wins - the better player is always the luckier player no matter how you look at it.