Monday New Years Day 30 SBD ($290 USD) NLHE Freeroll - Steem Poker League Results

in poker •  7 years ago 


Monday NYE Poker

Thank you to everyone who came out to play in last night's tourney. We had 54 players take to the tables and a tournament run time of 4 hours 5 mins. The last person standing was @celsius100. Congratulations on your 1st place finish.

Early Hands

Oh snap, what a hand. KK takes it down.

Ouch, dirty river card.

Pocket aces holds up.

Final Hands

Holy pocket rockets goes down to QUAD 5s. Nice hand.

Pocket kings for the win.

Fuck, down goes JJs.

Oh snap, Tuck with a beast hand.

The turning point of the tournament. What a hand.

And that's all she wrote. Thank you again to everyone who came out to play in last night's tourney.

Top 10

Congrats to those of you who made it into the money. Steem Poker League has already paid out over 6,000 SBD/STEEM to date!

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All Steem Poker League games hosted by are free to join and free to play. is brought to you by @tuck-fheman, @bigpchef and all of your upvotes!

Images/Logos by @bigpchef, @tuck-fheman, @internetguy, @kryptik, @fivefiveeleven, @tomekkk
All images used are owned or licensed to or we have permission to use.

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I stand in support of SPL. Thanks, as always, for making freeroll, steem-powered poker a possibility for all of us who love the game and lack the skills to organize and create such a great tool.


Congratulations to all the winners.

gratz to the winner; bit lucky but overall deserved. GG

No one gets lucky in poker, didn't you know? GG

lol ... right - totally forgotten about - wd & gg

Congratulations to the winners...
This was my first tourney that i played and i had a lot of fun even do i finish somewhere like 40 if i remember correct.
Looking forward for the next one!

Long life to SPL!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh man! Thats awesome! I will join in for the next one!
Hope one day the platform to add something like that where we could bet with steem

Nice hands in the review. Too bad the time of the tournaments really dont suit me

A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to. ear thats really nice post.
Keep on the good work.

Sounds like a ton of fun, too bad i dont know how to play poker 😔 😔

Dont let that stop you! Jump on in or come join me for a live stream a learn a few tips!

right on it...thanks

There is no profit without risk. And the most exciting risk is poker :)

This is free to play!