I can't spread it because I have natural immunity. Too many 2020 U.S. Republican ballots were misaligned, the bar codes, the things they print on them, this alerts the people who can then find them more easily, collect them, and discard them. The Clinton Family sent people to sneak into the house of Christopher Sign and murdered him yesterday. That is a message saying, "Shut up or we will end your life and then say you committed suicide." So, do you shut up? Is that how you deal with the Mafia? Do we just roll over as they continue to execute whoever and whenever they want to? Is that the kind of world you want to live in? We are still living in that world even if you want to pretend it does not happen. You know they don't want you to read the book Christopher Sign wrote, that is why they murdered him, they are saying, "DO NOT READ HIS BOOK OR WE WILL KILL YOU TOO."
Murdering Journalists
You may wake up tomorrow to find out they murdered Trump, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, etc. You know who did it. Any second, you may hear that many people were executed. They already killed Christopher Sign in HIS HOUSE. It was NOT SUICIDE. Are we going to be quiet? Are we going to speak out? What kind of future do you want for your children? Do you want your kids to live in fear, that if they say what the globalists don't like, that they may end up dead? They've murdered journalists in the past, many times. Right now, they're in the middle of targeting many many people. Plus, censorship online makes it hard for us to expose how they murder people. They want journalists and others to shut up. The killing is a threat. They are saying to you, "Shut up or you are next." So, if you ignore this message and do nothing, then they win. You are being manipulated by the same people who say there are too many people on the planet.
My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-13 - Sunday | Published in June of 2021
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
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For Life But Not For Oatmeal
2021-06-13 - Sunday - 07:53 AM - Banned Log - Facebook Log - Covid Log - Freedom Log - Hive Blog
Trần Lê Tố Nga sent me a friend request at this time or some minutes or hours before that. I last checked Saturday night. So, it was a new request on Facebook. I accepted the request and I became her friend.
I went onto her Facebook and found out she works at the 4Life English Center at https://e4life.vn/ at 266 Lê Thanh Nghị, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng Da Nang, Vietnam 550000. Phone number: +84 236 7778 999. Email: [email protected]. I left her several comments. I gave normal comments which most people give most of the time on Facebook. Very general comments like, "Good work" and things like that. I liked a few comments. I did very normal things which we all see millions of people do each day on many websites and in real life since the dawn of time.
We all can study this and see this. That is the transparency of this story. Within a few minutes, she blocked me. It could be that she felt that my 5 comments and 5 likes on some of her posts was too many. Now, some people might spread out the comments and likes. They might do one comment today and another comment a few days later. maybe one like today and a second like in a week. I deal with thousands of people a day. I deal with so many people all around the world all the time. I generally run into people, I may do a bunch of things all at once and then move on as I'm a very busy person. Now, this person may have blocked me for a wide variety of reasons or no reasons at all.
Perhaps, she, assuming it is her account, heard about me from other Vietnamese in Vietnam and decided to block me. Maybe she was told to block me. Maybe she didn't like that I'm against the mask and Covid Vaccines which kill people. I did say "Dep qua" in one of my comments to her. But that is a casual comment that the average Vietnamese receives many times each day. It is a normal thing and not a problem in my experience with Vietnamese going back to 2012.
Many people have blocked me online and offline many times meaning this was not the first time I've been blocked or something. I don't know why she sent me a friend request. I don't know why or how she did a 180 so quickly to run away from me just minutes after becoming my friend.
Trần Lê Tố Nga blocked me on Facebook
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I was teaching English in Vietnam
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Blindspotting 101
2021-06-13 - Sunday - 02:05 AM - 02:38 AM - Blindspotting 101
Black lady and a white guy has a son together. He is taken to jail. She moves in with her mom or his mom. Ghetto life there. A step down from the life they had. Car spinning. Sister doing sex work or Instagram pictures. An online market thing. She finds an engagement ring. He was going to ask her to marry him. Who knows if he will ever get out of prison. She now sleeps on the couch. Dildo. Sister mocks her. Saved her life. Man tried to take the ring. Sister got it back. But it is dangerous to pressure people since he had a gun. People like to sing and dance together as a neighborhood or community which is great.
Miguel BA
On The Fringe
Too many 2020 U.S. Republican ballots were misaligned, the bar codes, the things they print on them, this alerts the people who can then find them more easily, collect them, and discard them.
Ron Gibson
The Clinton Family sent people to sneak into the house of Christopher Sign and murdered him yesterday. That is a message saying, "Shut up or we will end your life and then say you committed suicide." So, do you shut up? Is that how you deal with the Mafia? Do we just roll over as they continue to execute whoever and whenever they want to? Is that the kind of world you want to live in? We are still living in that world even if you want to pretend it does not happen.
The Clinton Crime Family murder hundreds if people in waves every few years via hired hit-men. Yesterday was the first of many in the most recent string of murders. Years ago, they murdered Andrew Breitbart. Yesterday, they executed Christopher Sign. Expect more people to be murdered. They did not commit suicide. They were murdered. And they will be murdered.
08:27 PM
You may wake up tomorrow to find out they murdered Trump, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, etc. You know who did it. Any second, you may hear that many people were executed. They already killed Christopher Sign in HIS HOUSE. It was NOT SUICIDE. Are we going to be quiet? Are we going to speak out? What kind of future do you want for your children? Do you want your kids to live in fear, that if they say what the globalists don't like, that they may end up dead? They've murdered journalists in the past, many times. Right now, they're in the middle of targeting many many people. Plus, censorship online makes it hard for us to expose how they murder people. They want journalists and others to shut up. The killing is a threat. They are saying to you, "Shut up or you are next." So, if you ignore this message and do nothing, then they win. You are being manipulated by the same people who say there are too many people on the planet.
You know they don't want you to read the book Christopher Sign wrote, that is why they murdered him, they are saying, "DO NOT READ HIS BOOK OR WE WILL KILL YOU TOO."
Ron Gibson
She is a Chinese Agent. You DO NOT have to go to school to figure that one out. As Sherlock Holmes would say, "It's elementary my dear Watson."
@PoAmBrotherhood She was illegally banned from walking into a PUBLIC PARK which she pays for via taxes. You CANNOT stop a person from entering a park like that. But they did.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
Blindspotting 101
2021-06-13 - Sunday - 02:05 AM - 02:38 AM - Blindspotting 101
Miguel BA
Free Your Mind
Free Your Mind
Free Your Mind
On The Fringe
The High Command
Sergeant Major
01:25 PM - WORLD BANK LISTS COVID-19 AS A PROJECT RUNNING FROM 02 APR 2020 TO 31 MAR 2025 [2021-06-09] (VIDEO)
The Last American Vagabond
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Dear diary, got up at 07:20 AM. Nice day I think. Rainy day. Sunday school on 2 Peters 2. I mentioned that God predestines the freewill. Mike said it is a mystery. I agree, like the Trinity is hard to understand. One guy might have said we were too aggressive or something in trying to stop Hitler, Nazi Germany, etc, during the second world war. Linda said we stopped Hitler. Mom said no or something. I know my mom pretty well. Mom said a few things but didn't explain herself. I knew what she was trying to say. It would take many books to describe all of it. Yet, she only said like five words. It would take thousands of paragraphs to explain. Linda returned and said no to my mom or something to that affect. Well, not exactly or she was trying not to get into a rabbit trail of conversations. Linda was trying to say we stopped Hitler. I then said it's not that simple. That is all I said at that point. There were reasons why I said it. Mom is right and Linda is right. Looks like a contradiction but it is not. It takes a long time to explain it. I'm using small words to simplify all of it. Like I said, books are written on these subjects. But history is complex and we are not told everything. We try to know more and more. The one guy might have said something like we should not fight like we fought with Hitler. Now, in some ways, that is true but it depends on many things, factors. I believe in private property rights and self-defense. I am against war. But if you are in war, you should probably win. But that assumes you are the good guys. God told the nation of Israel to fight other countries. SO, they fought in battles, wars. Was Hitler stopped? Yes and no. Mom said no. Linda said yes. Both is true. Hitler was stopped in some ways. Did Hitler die? Did he kill himself? I don't know. There is a documentary television show with multiple seasons on The History Channel or A&E exploring that topic, it is called Hunting Hitler or something like that. There are many seasons. And there are other documentaries and books, etc, on these topics. There is a lot of clues. But beyond that, communism and fascism and many things infiltrated into America after the end of Hitler. Some of it was happening before Hitler. Also, Hitler was just a pawn. In some ways, Hitler was like a symptom. But yes, it is bad to kill. So, if you murder many people, bring back the death penalty. Give him an execution. I encourage people to avoid war. So, that does not mean you let people rape and murder your children for example. But you should not sneak onto somebody's land in the middle of the night and murder them because you disagree with them politically. I'm against violence. The sermon was on the Sabbath. I said we can fast. Snoopy comic on screen. He sat next to me. That one guy ran away as the sermon was beginning. And he said half truth. That Sabbath is rest and maybe other things too. Not just that it means rest was the question. I forgot to talk to him about it. 01:19 PM right now as I write all of this. I made a My Heritage Bank Log. Check the log to see what I wrote for today. 414. My room number in PDX in 2018 was 414. In Sunday school, we also revisited the topic of Romans 13. I said in regards to 1776, they left England and created a new country in America. Therefore, they were no longer under the legal jurisdiction of The Crown. Linda said we got the results of the 2020 election. But Biden did not win. So, no, we did not get the real results. Nap around 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM. Dishes to 06:08 PM. Also, combined soups plus cheese for dinner. 08:00 PM. Box in from car. Where is wires and stuff. Not sure. Garage. Somewhere maybe or clear took it. Hat came off. Oh, coat. Here you go. SSL. Other laptop. Working on that for last 2 hours of the day and towards 1 AM. Still not done trying to get things working on that before I try to transition to that laptop from Yoga.
Food log
Breakfast: orange, coffee, banana bread, 08:21 AM.
Lunch: banana bread, 01:30 PM apx.
Dinner: combined soups plus cheese, coffee, 06:10 PM.