The Answer

in poleshift •  6 years ago 

After all the experiences I have had and have been observing, I believe that there is a divine reason for all of these happenings. The reality of our experiences here are the interaction with our own construction. While we are now experiencing the changes to the entire planet and to our own understanding of our planet. Most are moving along with the change in the direction of our perception as it is given to us by our friends (lol not really) in the media, I have demonstrated this in this post - Feding The Sheep. Our consciousness is being deprived of the ability to realize our place here. We are all inhabitants of this planet and we all generate a symbiotic relationship with our environment. Our decisions to shrug off the changes here are in direct opposition to the energy created by this planet. While we are all effected by the intense changes happening on the daily, most are oblivious to the profound effects it is having, and will have, on our future and present.

The planet is being swarmed with energetic reactions to our emotional and mental actions. This upheaval is not without provocation. Our complete outlook and understanding of where we are, and who we are, has been in decline for years. We have lost our path. We have tilted the balance of the Earth's ability to heal itself. This is not a "pagan" belief structure, it is a doctrine that was given to us by God. In the bible it was also stated that we should maintain balance and be stewards over this planet. Being a steward does not mean letting things go unchecked, it means to keep the balance of all we were given, subdue the growth in order to keep balance.

Genesis 1:26-28
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Regardless of whether or not you believe in the bible, the fact that we have failed at our mission to keep the Earth in balance is quite obvious. Our actions as emotional and connected stewards here is deplorable. We would rather follow the rules and misguided temptations of others than to consider our own personal actions. While many who read this may agree, they will continue to practice in the art of destruction through the use of money to "purchase" goods and services that are in complete opposition to stewardship. We are trapped in a "web" only in our minds. Our suppression of the feminine and our worship of the masculine has gotten us nowhere, in fact is has only increased our ability to destroy things without regard to anyone or anything else. We have lost our ability to maintain balance.

There is no utopia. We will always have both male and female energy, but we must maintain balance. The native Americans had a fairly good system of balance, living with nature, keeping the growth to a minimum and allowing the beasts their due. This idea of complete domination is "sold" to us through a misrepresentation of the biblical perspective, by preachers that have been blinded through seminary school and powerful money changers. Jesus warned us of this, whether or not you view him as the messiah, prophet or a wise man. I believe, personally, that God sent him to put us back on track. Then powerful men got hold of the eyewitness accounts and skewed them for profit and power.

Our existence here has been reduced to popularity. The powerful have forced us all into a cage of illusion, breeding a popularity contest of who has more and who lives better. Our entire lives have been chasing the acceptance of those with more. Greed, jealously, coveting, these are all things which we were warned about. In fact we are so caught in the illusion that we can not even admit it most of the time. Most will fight and endless verbal battle in order to "prove" that they are not being manipulated.

Once we have accepted that this illusion has grown like a cancer, we can effect change toward a positive more balanced life. Being connected to this planet and ALL of it's inhabitants can be achieved. Our future depends on it. We are at a crossroads in the cycle of our species. Which way will we go? Will we submit to the insanity of the current power structure, or will we reject the ways of insanity and follow the path of true honor?

The later is the hardest path of all. This is why I believe the Earth is in such upheaval. God knows what is to come, complete and total enslavement, gene manipulation, cloning, soil depletion, nuclear waste, nuclear power, destructive forces are at work to suppress the feminine aspect of who we are. If we can heal the female of our species, from thousands of years of suppression, we can heal not only our families, but our Earth as well. The power that is in place has gone so far as to rip apart the family and rewarded it with money. After thousands of years of being conditioned toward greed, we allow it. Though some do hold on to the family, the media, as a tool, has ratcheted up the intensity against the family, and processing the peoples minds into a masculine idea so much that over 50% believe that it is ok to kill unborn babies. Kill, kill, kill. War, soldiers, domination, power. Our entire world is so crazy that, in order to make up for the lost feminine aspect, men and women are switching places, kids are so confused that they have no idea what they are supposed to be, our environment is completely against our genetic structure, we are destroying ourselves, by design.

What is the answer? STOP. Stop fighting. Stop buying. Stop destroying. Stop and stay where you are, kick off your shoes, run your toes through the dirt. Let these insane haters of life kill themselves and do not take part any longer. It is the simplest and most difficult decision, because it will require you to take responsibility for yourselves and your families. There would no longer be a power structure hell bent on dominating the male aspects of us. The male is not bad, it just needs to be back in balance with the female, we need those who will protect, not dominate. Most importantly, we need our nurturers back. We need our babies to be breast fed, we need our communities to be nurtured, women should be honored, not used. This is the symbiosis, we so desperately need. Real men, and real women, balance.

I am afraid that without this balance, our time here is short.

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Derek, I am really moved by this eloquent post. And perfect timing for Mothers' Day!

You are completely right, in my opinion. We have the ability and responsibility to maintain a symbiotic relationship with our planet. But we have stepped way off the path of doing that. We've trashed our planet and all the other life forms that inhabit it, plants and animals, including our own species. Our own denials of half of ourselves, the feminine, have wreaked havoc.

The feminine has insight, emotions, feelings, intuition, strength, understanding, love, intelligence, creativity, to name a few. The masculine has focus, intelligence, protectiveness, ingenuity, body strength, inventiveness, and much more, but is incomplete without acceptance of the feminine. The masculine fears the feminine's insight and emotions, which they outwardly consider as weak. They don't necessarily understand it, but they fear they could be outwitted by it. No "real" man can let that happen! This is why they have tried to control and obliterate women. They have brutally used their physical strength to do it. They don't SEE how these qualities can HELP a symbiotic relationship. Just look at the cultures that forbid any kind of freedom to their women, totally suppressing them to the point of hiding them under oppressive garb. Look at how women have been "branded" with their husbands' names, to show ownership of them by their husbands. Look at the rapists who want to punish and control women. Look at how the masculine has deprived the feminine of education and the right to vote in the past. The true feminine, as god created her, is powerful. Why does the masculine have so much terror of that, that he wants to kill her?

With that in mind, how can we, as a species, be truly symbiotic with our world? Masculine superiority complex harms and invalidates the feminine reality. This causes the feminine so much pain, and legally has put her is a position of inferiority and inability to realize her full potential, as God has created her and given her.

This position has been prevalent in the entire world, forever. It's easy to see how this has caused the formidable imbalance reigning on this planet. It has cascaded down through all living things. Now, we are almost at a point of no return.

This is a huge pill to swallow for most people, I think. We need a massive healing of ourselves. A massive move to acceptance of our emotions. A massive moment of clarity and vision. The question is: Are we beyond that?

I think that the masculine is not a superiority complex, but an illusion put on us to keep us from manifesting our true reality. The masculine is NEEDED as much as the feminine is NEEDED, the two balance each other out. War and protection is a reality but so is balance with nature. I do not think that in any way a hard left to the feminine leaving behind the masculine would be any better, in fact I am starting to see this now being used as a way to keep the men from revolting against injustice. Our words are used against us, the feminist movement is actually a way to move the woman into a position of masculinity.

The woman who takes the man's name is only a ceremony to celebrate the family and the man, as the protector, would be identified through the last name of his family. It is also a way to divide the stock, where the breeding pair being identified through the male is only by chance that this has happened, and really, it is not a down play of the feminine, that I believe is an illusion meant to keep the people fighting. The reality is, that through the use of money, war and consumerism, we have destroyed our ability to sit back and enjoy the beauty of who and what we are. The politics of it all are just tools that are abused to keep us unaware of the real problem.

Our men, are glorified as soldiers, they are glorified as policemen, they are glorified as ruthless corporate businessmen, mobsters, thugs, pimps. Through these actions we, men, crush our ability to love and to admire the beauty of God and his creation. (I can hear you now, "why is God a male?") God is identified as a masculine energy due to his ability to punish those in need. All things are not forgiven, and God is a representation of that, as well as the loving and nurturing aspect, these two together are what make a good man. In the bible the story of Adam and Eve, has God creating Eve from the rib of Adam. This is a representation of the female balance to the over powering male. Males by nature are gun-ho and ready to keep the home safe. Males are physically built to endure physical stress, which the masculinity is needed for. Hunting, building, protection and stability.

The feminine is physically built to bare children, care, nurture, feed, manage the homestead, teach, bring children up. These are just facts that can not be denied. This is how we were built. Whether or not you believe in God, or the big bang (laughing) and Darwinism, the facts is that we are each built for a very specific purpose, the power structure has blinded the female from the fact that these are truths, in order to make her masculine.

Yes, female and male beings are vastly different and instead of embracing this we are conditioned to hate it and to fight it. Calling injustice and unfairness and pointing fingers at the other claiming that their "rights" have been taken. No I do not believe this is true, well maybe in some cases, but that is the way it used to be. When a female claims to be able to do the job of the male and will "fight" to "prove" it, I see only that that woman has been conditioned to the masculine. She is becoming a man. While she becomes a man, others will look up to her/him, and soon her offspring will switch roles and total confusion will set in. We are being destroyed. They use our minds against us. Once you realize the true consequence for our devolution, the realization that there was a time where men were men and women were women, and this time no longer exists, can we have even a chance at defeating this imbalance.

I know that my thoughts are unpopular, because we have been conditioned to believe that there is injustice when we stick to our roles. Reality is that there is none, When a man returns from "work" (hunting for food) the woman "feels" (the need to nurture) him due to the intense physical excursion he has put forth to provide the family with food and sustenance for the time being. It is in her nature to repair the broken bones and provide healing for the provider, in order that he continue his "job" for the family. While the basic idea is similar, the political and mass conditioning has destroyed that foundation. Had we stayed on our natural path, who knows where we would be today? Surely not here, blaming each other for the problems we have when we are all to blame.

Well, we do see some things differently from different perspectives.