If you're a cop and you can't restrain a 9 year-old girl in handcuffs, you shouldn't be a cop.
If you're a cop with the support of five other cops and you can't restrain a handcuffed 9 year-old girl, you should be fired in a matter of moments.
If you're a cop with the support of five other cops and decide to pepper spray a handcuffed 9 year-old girl, you should be in jail.
If you're a representative of a public-sector union defending the cop who pepper sprayed a handcuffed 9 year-old girl, you should be tarred and feathered.
The police union's response after body cam footage was released of an officer pepper spraying a handcuffed 9 year-old girl:
"She could have been hurt worse."
When are people going to stop pretending that I'm insane for being an anarchist?