U.S. Marshals Wast Time And Money

in police •  3 years ago 

Nearly one year ago I was given a citation for camping in a spot on the outer banks of North Carolina. The crime I was charged with was called camping out of bounds. It came with a 160.00 fine and created by a park ranger. The spot where I set up my tent was a small grassy section between the dunes near a parking lot and there was even a small rock fire ring as if others had camped there before me. After passing many signs that made it very clear to only camp in designated areas I assumed that the area with grass and a fire ring was one of these places that allowed camping. There was nothing posted there to convince me otherwise so I felt fine about setting my tent up for me and Rain Drop to get some sleep.

First of all I as an Anarchist and a descentralized nomadic freedom fighter, I do not believe in the ownership of land by individuals or the so called state. I am however aware of the fact that following and respecting the man made rules and laws is in my best interest. With that being said I normally do not prioritize for fines or court appointments. I prefer to live my life as I choose in a humble and peaceful manor while walking the wonderful earth that the goddess has blessed us all with. I live by no real destiny of my own goals or plan. I let the universe have the steering wheel and it has always served me very well. For the past three years I have been happy as I can be with my loyal best friend Rain Drop Hound Dog by my side every step of the way. I do not ask for welfare or assistance from government programs such as housing, food stamps etc. I do not pay taxes unless it is included with a store purchase.

While hiking south on route 3 in Connecticut on my way to hike the Ozarks I was stoped by a C.T. state trooper in the late afternoon. He informed me that even though this highway is not an interstate that I was not allowed to walk along the side. He was not so concerned about that and he even offered to give me a ride a few miles. Then he checked his data base for any charges that may be pending against me. I was not worried about it at all at the begining because I knew I had not done anything wrong. A few minutes later the officer put me in handcuffs and said I was wanted by U.S. marshals. We waited on the side of route 3 for around two hours or longer before the marshals office responded and told the Hartford police department that I have a felony warrant for failure to appear charge in North Carolina for the camping out of bounds citation. After another few hours of waiting by the roadside the trooper finally received the last phone call confirming that I was to be taken into custody by the Hartford police department until the U.S. marshals come to get me. Then the hardest part of it all took place as I watched Rain being taken away from me and put into another car. I begged them as tears ran down my face and fear flooded my heart in such a way that I could no longer control the words that came out of my mouth. We had never really been apart in all the years that we traveled together and I was so scared of losing her forever.

We have such a deep rooted bond with each other that I cant function properly when I become worried about her or have to be without her. She is not my pet and she is much more than my friend or family member. She is my familiar, part of my spirit and soul. I grow weak and become sickly without her beside me.

The state trooper tried to convince me that Rain would be looked after by a police officer in the town of Glastonbury and that he would bring her to me the next day when I was released. I know how these cops tell lies or half truths so I did not trust him or the other cop. The trooper also told me he would help me get out of the city of Hartford when I got out.

I spent the night on a cold metal bunk with no sheet or blanket while thinking only about how much I missed Rain. The next morning around nine I was shackled and transported to the marshals office to see a judge. After spending the day in a cell I finally met my public defender on a tablet with a pair of headphones and mic. Then we were joined by the judge for the court to start session. I was released about an hour after and was told the state police had my belongings. I had to walk two miles to get there and they had my backpack but not my wallet, phone or my belt. The rude trooper told me that all of my other things was at the Hartford police station and was about another mile away. The doors were locked and I was told by a cop near the entrance that I could not get my things until seven am the next day. I had no way to purchase food or water and I could not call anyone to help me. I asked the officer for a bottle of water and he harshly replied no. I spent the night on the concrete in front of the door.

The next morning I went inside and got my belongings back and called a friend for help to go get Rain out of the animal shelter. This was a terrible experience to go through.

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