If cops can never pull the trigger, there is no point in having cops.

in police •  4 years ago 


As usual, there's an undeniable truth being used to push a narrative that's false.

The undeniable truth is that cops shouldn't be executioners. They don't get to decide who's guilty. They don't get to carry out executions.

Too often, people are trying to push the narrative that cops are always in the wrong if they kill somebody (though none of these people had said a word about Ashli Babbitt).

Cops are in a different situation. Sometimes they're literally seeing a person about to shoot or stab or beat somebody to death as it's happening. They don't have time to figure out the nuance or talk the person down.

There are clear cases where the cops were right to kill the bastard. The easiest example that I can think of is Erich Stelzer, a body builder who viciously beat and stabbed a tinder date until officers tased him to death. They didn't even use their guns.

The more complicated cases are those like that of Makiah Bryant. Even then, it's not that complicated. The cop was right to pull the trigger. Bryant was half way through the motion of stabbing another young girl.

When Vox and other braindead publications tried to demonize the cop that shot her, they brought up a bunch of facts like Bryant's living situation and that she was the one who called 911, which make the story all the more tragic.

The problem is, in that case, the only argument against the cop is that he should have had perfect knowledge. Even that's a weak argument because, even with perfect knowledge, he's faced with a witch dunking situation from the radical left: pull the trigger and be the white cop who shot a black teenaged girl in the back; or, be the white cop who did nothing while a black teenaged girl is stabbed to death.

If cops can never pull the trigger, there is no point in having cops.

And, if you believe that there's no point in having cops, arguing for more laws and more government and more lockdowns makes zero sense.

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