Golden Weekly: Regulatory policies are frequent. The cryptocurrency market is picking up.

in policies •  6 years ago 

Major policies:

Thailand formally open the application of digital asset trading qualification

According to the Bangkok post, the Thailand Ministry of finance began to issue a digital asset transaction qualification certificate since Tuesday, and the company that is doing business and the company that is willing to participate in the industry can apply to the Thailand Securities Regulatory Commission (SEC). Once the company submits the application, SEC will submit the document to the finance minister within 90 days after receipt, and the finance minister will make a decision on whether to approve the license within 60 days.

Antigua and Barbuda allow the use of encrypted currencies to pay investment naturalization schemes.

According to coingeek, BCH investors are now more likely to gain citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda in the Eastern Caribbean. Earlier this week, the Antigua and Barbuda parliament unanimously adopted a resolution to amend the CIP, allowing the use of BCH and other encrypted currencies.

Vietnam SSC prohibits listed companies and financial companies from engaging in encrypted currencies

In a recent statement issued by the National Securities Commission (SSC), the Vietnam News news stated that listed companies, securities companies, fund management companies and securities investment funds are prohibited from participating in any issuance, trading or brokerage activities related to encrypted currency, and that they are required to comply with the legal provisions of anti money laundering. According to the SSC, the resolution is based on a directive issued by the Prime Minister on April 11, 2008 to strengthen the management of activities related to the Bitcoin and encrypted currencies. It is reported that the use of encrypted currency is prohibited as a means of payment in Vietnam.

SEC again refuses the Winklevoss brother bitcoin ETF application

According to CNBC, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rejected the Bitcoin ETF application from Winklevoss Brothers, founder of Gemini, the encrypted currency exchange. This is the first ever encrypted currency ETF proposal. It was reported that SEC had rejected its ETF application last year, the "Winklevoss bitcoin trust fund", but in June, the group submitted a proposed rule change application.

Philippines issued third licenses for encrypted currency transactions

According to Cryptovest, the CEZA in Philippines's northern economic free port area (CEZA) awarded a temporary license to third offshore encrypted currencies (FTSOVC) on Thursday to Liannet Technology, the headquarters in Hongkong. Previously, the Golden Millenial Quickpay in Hongkong and Ultra Precise Investments in Bangkok had obtained the license. It is reported that the validity period of the temporary permit is six months.

NASDAQ held closed door meeting to discuss the regulation of encrypted currencies

According to a Bloomberg News Agency, according to an insider, NASDAQ held a closed door meeting in Chicago earlier this week, representing about six companies from other encrypted currency exchanges, such as the traditional exchange and Gemini. The focus of this conference is to encourage the industry to do something that can improve the image and verify its potential role in the global market. The meeting discussed the impact of future regulation on the encrypted currency, regulatory tools and effective supervision. Adena Friedman, the NASDAQ chief executive, expressed a bluntly expression of the need for supervision, saying that NASDAQ is now working with some exchanges to help a few issues. A spokesman for NASDAQ confirmed the authenticity of the incident, but declined to comment.

South African officials submit amendments to the proposal to compare VAT transactions from VAT.

According to, members of the Ministry of Finance in South Africa have recently proposed amendments to the tax collection amendment (TLAB) and the way to levy taxes on encrypted currencies. According to local media reports, if the proposal is accepted, the bitcoin transaction disaster will not be exempt from VAT.

European Parliament: encrypted currencies can be substituted in many applications.

According to cryptoslate, the European Parliament's recent report on "competition in the field of financial science and technology" shows that the European Parliament's position on encrypted currency is very subtle. The report points out that encrypted currencies can be used as a substitute for various legal currencies in many applications. The European Parliament stressed that DLT technology has a huge disruptive impact on the current financial ecosystem. The report emphasizes the meaning of block chain technology, and points out that the nature of DLT technology without permission allows anyone to participate in block chain ecosystems, as well as the ensuing use cases, but is not regulated. In addition, the European Parliament believes that traditional financial institutions are unable to combat the new encryption market and point out that the use of encrypted currency technology by the central bank may be necessary in order to solve the problem of competition. Although the European Parliament may have recognized the destructiveness of encrypted currencies, it seems that regulation does not pose a problem for EU regulators.

Romania drafts a new draft of electronic money law

Romania has become the latest country to clearly formulate regulatory procedures for encrypted currencies and digital currencies. An emergency bill issued by the Romanian Ministry of Finance lists the conditions and requirements that electronic money issuers in Eastern European countries must meet. Please. In accordance with the draft bill, the issuer must have at least 350000 euros in equity, each of which must be examined and approved by the National Bank of Romania (BNR). The draft did not refer directly to the "encrypted currency", only using the term "electronic currency". It further points out that the issuance of e-money can only be carried out by credit institutions, electronic monetary institutions, the European Central Bank (ECB) and local or regional public authorities. The draft also stipulates that the authorization for issuing electronic money will be effective within 12 months from the date of issue. If the company is not open within the time

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