RE: [SteeMagazin]^Policy > Kosovo Question (Part I)

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[SteeMagazin]^Policy > Kosovo Question (Part I)

in policy •  6 years ago 

Not 100% clear but I understand that you are trying to present the topic to a broader audience.

  • 150+ years old problem, true
  • Most of the population was always Albanian, partially true, it's heterogeneous. Until 1970' there was about 2/3 Albanians, later it became 4/5, now it's about 90-95%

The idea was to clean up the Albanians from Kosovo, who were then about a million and a half. At the same time, the UČK terrorist organization is being formed in Kosovo

Chronologically, not true:

  • UCK/KLA was established in 1993, publically appeared in 1995.
  • The first actions started in 1996, but it was reasonably weak until 1997/1998.
  • Serious fights started in Feb/Mar 1998.
  • Yugoslavian/Serbian Army was first used in May/June 1998

It was not all the sudden, tanks everywhere, full force, cleansing.

the UČK terrorist organization is being formed in Kosovo, as a guerrilla organization that opposed the powerful Serbian army

Yes... 5 years before the army was used...

In view of the mighty army it had inherited from the former Yugoslavia and the then JNA, SRY rapidly advanced in Kosovo

Not really... Kosovo was not invaded from the outside as this sentence is suggesting. The army was already there since - forever. Imagine that in Texas some pockets of "Independent Texas Army" start to form. US Army can't advance into Texas. It's already there.

After the bloodshed, the NATO Alliance decides to act and begin intervention in the SRY

It was not all that bad, according to the Fund of Humanitarian Right:

  • 700 KLA members + 1100 civilians
  • 175 Serbian Police/Military + 135 civilians

The bombing of the SRY was cruel, the Serbian army had to withdraw from Kosovo

From the same source about:

  • 8700 Albanians
  • 1100 Serbs

You see... 2000 in one year vs 10000 in 2.5 months...

hatred between Serbs and Albanians became even greater

Very week words. "Hate" is a simple word. This is a territorial dispute between two nations, nothing spectacular. Just like Ireland vs GBR

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Hvala na komentaru! Thanks for the comment! :)
This is a brief overview of historical events with Kosovo. I did not want to go into a deeper analysis so that the majority could understand the nature of the event. We can say that the problem with Kosovo dates from the Berlin Congress, when Kosovo is again returned to Serbia. I think that after the First World War, it was possible to solve this problem. Greater autonomy would then have been sufficient to solve the problem at the root. As for the war itself, the presence of the JNA as well as the Yugoslav police in Kosovo was, of course. But the additional force was sent, we can agree on that. The intervention of Slobodan Milosevic as well as the idea of the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo is monstrous. As well as the idea to settle down on Kosovo
the refugees from the Republic of Srpska Krajina. Belgrade's politics in the 1990s was simply irrational. We should not talk about the situation in the state, the state leadership, etc. Certainly Serbia is not the only culprit of wars. The guilty ones are those who led a devastating policy. As for the victims, every human life is important. Whether they killed two or 2000, it does not matter. As someone born in Prizren and seeing the horrors that were happening, and now living in Belgrade for 19 years, I can say that all this could have been much more normal to solve. Just as I can with certainty say that the problem should not be solved by Hashim Thaçi and Aleksandar Vucic. Two monsters. But this is our reality... Hvala još jednom na komentaru, lep vikend želim. :)