The reason

in polish •  5 years ago 

Pewnie wielu z Was otrzymało taki komentarz wraz z downwotami:

@mmmmkkkk311 is the reason I will continue downvoting you

Nie odbierajcie tych downvotów personalnie a raczej ze zrozumieniem tego że nawet złodziej ma prawo do obrony własnych racji. Niestety większość ludzi nadal nie widzi nic złego w wymianie i kupowaniu głosów i nie rozumie jak wielkie zmiany wprowadził HF21.
By nie narażać Was na kolejne downvoty, zatrzymuję wszystkie upvoty a Voting Power będzie zamieniana na downvotowanie członków podejrzanych grup w których wymienia się i handluje głosami, masowo głosuje na komentarze, wyłudza się delegacje za obietnice upvotu itp..., a wszystko po to by wyciągnąć z tego blockchainu jak najwięcej dla siebie.

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Hey, just wanted to reach out to ya' and see if there is anything SBI and it's community could do to smooth things over.

I'm a holder of SBI, and I'll give you a little insight into why I have been spending thousands of dollars to help sponsor people into SBI.

I believe in Steem. And it's community. And a big part of this community is to welcome new people into it...I've spent the past 2 years dedicating my life to Steem....And helped bring a lot of new Steemians into the blockchain via projects like @SteemSavvy and @ClickTrackProfit

Part of my game plan to help bring people in is, to reward them. The fact is, getting upvotes from Steemians with power like you have, is tough work. These new content creators work hard and unfortunately, it goes un-noticed.

With SBI, I believe they feel that their work is noticed. I reward people for engaging with me with SBI, because that's what we want on a social media / blockchain environment....We want engagement :)

So my reason for using SBI to help onboard new Steemians is....To make them feel like their efforts are being noticed.

I never considered SBI a vote buying service, more of a way for all Steemians to benefit...Especially the newer ones.

I accept your downvotes, and it's your decision obviously what you do with your Steem Power. I appreciate you have concerns with SBI, but would love for you to meet with the owners of the project...TO see what SBI is about and the community they have there.

I'm just a hard working dude, trying to get Steem out there to the masses...And would love to figure out a way to dialogue so that SBI can continue to help build these newer Steemians.

Thanks for sharing this post, because a lot of us may not understand what's going on with your stance toward SBI. Hope you can shed some light and maybe work to build a better blockchain. :)

(Apologies for writing so much lol And were you at Steemfest 3? I swear I recognize your username...)

I appreciate you have concerns with SBI, but would love for you to meet with the owners of the project...TO see what SBI is about and the community they have there

I don't even know who is the owner of the project, but I can tell you that he/she is hurting my investment.

  • Vote selling (you call it sponsoring)
  • Delegate and get upvote 8? x your own vote value from delegated SP (classic circle jerk)
  • Mass voting on bot comments (this is ridiculous and I won't accept that)

I don't know anything about you, let's say you live in the US and you have a legal gun, then someone comes to your house to take your goods and money away. Wouldn't you pull the trigger?

Steem is a real life, after HF21 every investor have rights and tools to protect own money. This is why I decided to invest 250 - 500 USD weekly in this blockchain.

Oh I hear you. Completely understand. I spent every penny I had and continue to invest in this blockchain. And you have every right to do as you see fit. I respect that about Steem.

The owner of SBI is Joseph Savage. I've met him in real life and he's a good family man. He's literally just trying to get everyone on Steem some 'basic income' thus the entire goal of SBI.

Try reaching out to him, he's a good dude and I'm sure you guys would understand each other if you touched base.

Appreciate the comments and replies. Much appreciated!

Let me tell you one more thing, before HF21 my account was a bidbot! Why? That was the only chance to get same return from SP as bid bot investors had, but right now, there is no need to sell votes or shitposting. I can get nice return from curation and I'm happy with that, but when I see that someone is trying to be smarter than me, I have to act, anyone who cares for this blockchain should act

Completely understandable. You have to protect your investment and you've got a nice chunk of Steem Power here....I hear you, I really do. As much good as HF21 was supposed to do, it changed how we all operated on the blockchain.

I know I sound like a broken record, but thanks for the dialogue. I really do appreciate hearing your side of things :)

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

I can stop downvoting anytime, I can take off all flags anytime (if someone help me to find a script which would do it for me). We just need gentleman's agreement but I never got any comment from steembasicincome
What I would suggest is

  • stop "sponsoring" new members
  • stop buying new delegations
  • ask members to undelegate
  • in the meantime, wait for SMT and start thinking how to convert sbi shares into SMT token - find new model for sbi community
  • stop voting on comments!

I prefer to keep this discussion public, so other groups that working #oldsteem way can learn why they are getting downvoted

Thank you for understanding.

I never got any comment from steembasicincome

This is absurd. Here are a few attempts we made to talk to you: (member of my moderator team) (myself on a thread where you responded to him but ignored me) (a friend of SBI that tried to reach out via a member of Polish community)

You're basically saying we haven't talked to you at all because you haven't had an official response from @steembasicincome account? Check the comment history- we do very few responses from that account. Most are from @sbi-booster or from me personally.

What I would suggest is

Your ultimatum is that SBI completely stop all ongoing operations? We have already made many changes to remove features that proved more prone to abuse post-HF21.


"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

I see, you want to help people, that's why you are receiving money from other people who also want to help. You know what? It doesn't make any sense. If you want to help people, just vote on their posts or send STEEM directly to their accounts, don't ask others for money, don't rape reward pool with delegated steem power

Forget about my suggestions, I see that you are going to to keep your "helping bots" on. Just tell people that with "help" will come little downvote worth $0.025 (usually much less) and they should not worry about it.

If this is real @mmmmkkkk311

”I don't even know who is the owner of the project …”

… it is not hard to find out. His account name is @josephsavage. And it is hard to imagine that he would not be willing to discuss your “beef,” if that is genuinely of interest to you.

As for this …

”… but I can tell you that he/she is hurting my investment.”

… there are many, many Steemians who would say the exact opposite. One of them is writing to you now. You are hurting my investment in the Steem blockchain. One in which I have given many SBI shares to the “little people” to provide encouragement to them to keep going. In an attempt to do my small part to build a vitally needed "middle class" here. Without which neither you or I have any investment that is going anywhere. But (continuing) down …

Not truly expecting you are “listening,” I won’t bother to waste any more of my time. Other than to let you know, as the “proud” recipient this morning of your apparent “auto” downvote, you are providing one more reason for me to say I am done with the Steem blockchain …

P.S. Hypocrisy? If you are a businessman, why don’t you sell them? If you are a philanthropist, why don't you give them away?




Unwanted 'Sponsoring"



Wait... So you can even sell sbi shares? Can you burn it too? How?

”… but I can tell you that he/she is hurting my investment.”

People are literally giving you money and you don't want it? Huh? Explain how this hurts you, please, @mmmmkkkk311.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

Anyways, I see now what a fckn scam it is! For 50 STEEM you can get $ 0.1 upvote. WTF? Once again WTF? It must be very profitable scam

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Why did you downvote my comment mmmmkkkk311? Then "take it back?"

I don't speak for @gamer00. Presumably, like the rest of us who sponsor others with SBI shares, he was trying to provide you some encouragement. Ask him ...

As for your questions, if you seriously want answers, talk to the SBI people. They will be glad to help you.


Since you are downvoting this SCAM ALERT, I have to assume you endorse scammers:

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

It's really not profitable to anyone, but it serves as encouragement. If that's a scam so be it. I'm not sponsoring people because I want to get rich quick. I'm trying to encourage them to create more good content on Steem.

In my country people says:

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

And you think few tiny votes every now and then in exchange for promoting others on Steem is too much of such good intentions?

[Edit: I forgot, you are punishing (yes you are) even those who receive such tiny votes in order to make everyone stop. Is that just you showing your own good intentions, or what?]

Hi @roleerob

Im absolutely ashamed to know that @mmmmkkkk311 is Polish. He is abusing his power and very little can be done to stop such an abuser.

And like you said, he is hurting other people investment. He doesn't create any value at all and at the same time he is forcing many people to power down and quit steemit (increasing steem selling pressure).

Cheers buddy

Yes, well I appreciate the sentiment @crypto.piotr, but I wouldn’t take it too hard. There are good people and bad people amongst us all. From the report of others, this person got his personal “profit center” on our Steem blockchain stopped, so he has decided the best response is attacking SBI …

Envy is a powerful shortcoming in people. For destruction …

Overall, a sad example of what can happen and why it is harder and harder for me to find the motivation to have much involvement “in here” …


Dear @roleerob

Thank you for your comment and I'm sorry for such a late reply.

Overall, a sad example of what can happen and why it is harder and harder for me to find the motivation to have much involvement “in here” …

I can only hope that you won't give up. I kind of like you :)

May I ask you for little favour? I'm not sure if I did ask you about it already or not (hope I'm not repeating myself).

Could you please check out also my recent post if you have few min and share your thoughts on questions related to concept of "introducing steem blockchain to businesses":

Your feedback is always appreciated ;) And I will upvote most valuable comment with 100-200k SP coming from project.hope account.
Yours, Piotr

Hello @crypto.piotr

"I can only hope that you won't give up. I kind of like you :)"

Ditto. 😉

As for your request, I did glance at your post briefly and helped you in Discord with a bit of editing help. As for the main subject, I don't think I have much to offer at the moment or I would have contributed.

I'll just say here (if you get back to reading this ...) that you appear to have far more confidence in the future of our Steem blockchain than I do. I hope your new job (if I read your post correctly) is to your liking and that your wife enjoys living in Switzerland more vs. Poland.

My attention is too much taken up with your tyrant of a countryman from Poland. If you ever get bored, with nothing to do ... 😉 ... you might want to look in on the Polish community he is supposedly building and do what you can to discourage support of him. He is very destructive, as I most recently heard from a 6-year old boy telling me of his downvoting rampage ...

Hi @roleerob

I didn't get any message on Discord :/

ps. what polish tyrant are we talking about here? I'm not really familiar with Polish community on Steemit (I've only bad experience with my own countrypeople) so I'm not sure if I want to get involved.


"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

Thanks for the info @felipejoys. Explains a lot!

Where do you stand on the topic of bidbots?


a free economy should dictate the steem token's true value. bidbots should be acceptable. curation would always be more rewarding than using bidbots. it isn't... but only because whales are circlejerking instead of curating.

ironically, their attitude keeps away serious investors who would inform themselves before getting into a scam like this. they also intentionally keep away the masses which would allow steem inc to earn through their ads thanks to good SEO content, which isn't promoted.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Yes, well I can see we agree somewhat @felipejoys. I appreciate the reply. The Steem blockchain post HF 21 / 22 is definitely a different place. In this particular Steemian’s view, neither the pre or post HF 21 / 22 version adequately addresses the fundamental problems …


Yes, the problem is never the system, but the tyrants in control.

recently, a friend of mine who also plays league of legends looked up on google for an ingame item he won. google showed him an old post of mine, which talked about this skin. this was originally supposed to happen all the time by design, but whales tried to turn steem way from it's original design... which is why it's such a failed scam now.

Since you are downvoting this SCAM ALERT, I have to assume you endorse scammers:

ha. ha. ha. plausible. but 1st you should admit he is reading or looking up at what he's downvoting. I doubt it, hehe

Of course it's indiscriminate flagging. I was just teasing him. 🙃

Hope this post works, I think if the person understands what sbi is about they would think differently about it. Retweeted for you.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

Just stopping by to ask if all the downvotes from you and your alt accounts are because of the couple hundred SBI shares that I have. The flags aren't a big deal, just would like some insight on what they are for, thanks.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

Yes, I'm downvoting all posts upvoted by sbi farm. Thanks for stopping by.

So you, a "Steem justice warrior", are ok with the fact that your accounts are downvoting posts that you never ever read (and that some of which might actually be top notch pieces with some real value for the community), right?

The logic used is profound. Bid Bots were a problem and abuse was prevalent, I don't think anyone would argue with that. However I believe bid bots to be a worthwhile part of the Steem eco system, if used responsibly. The irony of whales blindly down voting stuff they don't even read is rather amusing, tells you all you need to know about the true values of so called quality content on Steem! They expect everyone on here to spend hours of their time manually curating content when they can't be bothered to do it properly themselves. Just down vote the crap stuff, not if it's bid botted or not or sponsored or promoted.

The Steem price drop was blamed on the bid bots, nearly 3 months in from hf21/22 and the Steem price is at its lowest yet, arguably only Steem Monsters is saving this ship from sinking.

So stop fighting for ever single user to act like the perfect curator let those who want to sell THEIR stake in this do so, its not reward rape until it's used for the detriment of steem. If that was the case I reckon we would get a lot more money pouring into the platform.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

OK cool, thanks for the reply and clarification. There was no need for the vote on my comment, but it is appreciated.

If you check you will find you have SBI shares...Hope you remember to down vote yourself

Yeah, right. I just got one of my post downvoted and am just learning about this "beef". This is really shameful. I don't even remember how I got whatever SBI I got. Some of them must have been prizes I earned for good post in different literary contests and now I have to deal with this moral police! There is definitely little hope for this f-ed up world. What an encouragement for content creators.

"moral Police"...NOT! He has no morals he is just mad and taking it out on everyone involved with SBI. If he lost out when the HF took place and he could no longer rip-off people with them buying votes, he should take up his issues with those were behind the HF. But he is the type of human being that he is taking it out on everyone.

I view SBI as a membership where we pool some of our steem through units. Through that pool we get up-votes on our post based on how many units we have. This goes on as long as SBI is up and running. Bid-bots seldom returned much on what was invested and many times the person came out with less than they put in. And it was for a one time up-vote.

Don't let this guy get you down. There are a lot of people with SBI units and down-voting all their posts is spreading himself out quite thin. The little he has taken with thew down-vote has been made up for in up-votes. Heck I even delegated NEOXAG to SBI a couple of days ago for earnings through that token. I up-voted two of your down-voted posts and trust me you will not miss the down-vote.

I am going to discuss a little on this in my Saturday's post. At least discuss the best attitude to take.

Thanks for the support and the overview. I am struggling trying to see the bright side if things these days and this sort of issue affects me more than it should.
Too much crap going on.
Thanks for being part of the bright side

Last weekend I let it get to me as well. I have had more time to work through it. Be sure and check my post out in the morning. I may even upload it later this evening, but not sure. I am in the middle of butchering and have a real mess to clean up. SBI is fine. I would say this clown is projecting his own issues onto SBI. He needs counseling to work through his anger issues. He has probably ripped off a lot of users and now this is his way to try and do more. I am sure he has buried a lot of guilt and he is adding more to it. When we deal with darkness we need to bring light to the forefront.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

I guessed as much. The bid-bots were a con-game and seldom did the user paying for the service come out ahead. Can't rip people off that way so now it is time for temper-tantrums

Why Downvote you @steemillu?
You're on the wrong way.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

From Dr Google, Translate:
"Probably many of you received this comment along with the downwotów:

@ mmmmkkkk311 is the reason I will continue downvoting you

Do not receive these downvots personally, but rather with the understanding that even a thief has the right to defend his own rights. Unfortunately, most people still do not see anything wrong in exchanging and buying votes and do not understand how much change HF21 introduced.
In order not to expose you to further downvots, I stop all upvots and Voting Power will be exchanged for downvoting members of suspicious groups in which exchanges and trading votes, mass voting for comments, extorting delegations for promises of upvot etc ... and all that to get the most out of this blockchain for yourself."

I don't take this personal at all dumbf@k! I take this as an assault on the dignity of all steemians. HOW DARE YOU!! SBI was an agreed on strategy to help newfish like myself and so many others. YOU DON'T GET IT!! Pity about your low IQ, I can't help your genetics. LEAVE SBI ALONE DUMBF@K!!

Btw, I'm entitled to my opinion, and this is just the beginning of a very long campaign to get you out of here.

I'll resteem your post so other honest, hard-working steemians can tattoo their most thoughtful comments on your ass!

This message is to polish community members who are getting downvoted by the sbi users. DUMBF@K!!

Ah we now have dialogue. Good, this is what we have been asking for since you began your obscene behaviour. So, you have a valid concern. Please, post an article about that issue so we can evaluate and leave our thoughts. Clearly there is a thorn in your side larger than the one you have put in ours. That is not right, and we want to help you. Steem is for all, and really this platform is big enough for everyone.

thats what i meant, if the crusader have some critics-right or not-, then we shoudl discuss all together, instead he is starting this one-man-downvoting show which will lead to nothing!

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

If $0.025 downvote hurts you so much, leave the circle. That's all I can say and that's my post about that issue

Thanks, that was an awesome vid and explains a lot about why you do what you do. Hey, you Polish steemians, you're welcome to be part of Steem too. Just let us know what is troubling you guys and gals, and we'll let you stay in our community. Diversity makes a community, and we'll feel bad if you had to segregate the rest of us from your circle.

Btw, since I resteemed your post, that has now gone out via IFTTT to my 7.5k Twitter followers for their consumption.


Yep- you should be thankfull. But thanks for your great work here, you will heal the chain and everybody, thats for sure.

You have only 1 Account?
You also downvote with many Tribe accounts!
mk-pal-token and all the other!

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

Right, I forgot to connect to downvote trail all my Tribe accounts, thanks for reminding...

Brrrr--everbody fears you now-brrrr--

Since you are downvoting this SCAM ALERT, I have to assume you endorse scammers:

Simply you can downvote the polish community but please dont
downvote the german community!!!!

Very clever! How can we downvote the german community, when english is a dialect of german! btw, I now know the name of the crusader, and I thought he was a friend of mine on another site!

The problem is, that @mmmmkkkk311
all flags of steemflagrewards put on his list untested and with his flags also earns real money!

OK Mike, I know that he's part of the downvoting plotters. I also know who he is and where he gets his money from to cause such havoc. I'm not saying anything else, in case he (yes, he's a he) claims malicious intent (e.g., blackmail). I'm not like that. I'm not him!

Anyway, like he says, let's just leave the Polish community alone in their own circle where they can play with themselves. They have that right here on Steem, so we should let them exercise that right.

As for SBI, that project is way too big and way too important for one small community to bring down.

Pity though, I offered my hand in friendship; just wonder what the local Polish community here in Wellington, New Zealand would think!

leave the Polish community alone in their own circle where they can play with themselves


but the Polish community can not dowwnvoting
the german Community or every other!
To make Money!

Dude, are you f*cked in the head?

don't take my downvotes to national level

Do you know how WW1 started? Some German royal got assassinated. Here's a useful link:

??? I'm following SFR downvote trail but I didn't get any tokens from them

So, you say that german community is connected to different reward pool?

we have downvotes from flagrewards
and after change of the Rules there is no Problem now!

You set us because of flag rewards simply on your flag list without checking whether it is still current!

That is why we need dialogue, so people can understand each others points of view. Don't have to like or accept, just know. Let's talk to each other, all fellow steemians! Let's stop the silence and fear, and communicate openly in this open forum.

That's the problem!
Since small accounts are simply put on a list forever without checking whether it is justified!
German !BEER for you!

Thanks Mike, perhaps now is a good time to let sleeping dogs lie?

Hey @ianballantine, here is a little bit of BEER from @miketr for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

Thanks for the beer. Prost!

A .ot of steeminas are with you. Dont worry too much! SBI is okay, the crusader is on a wrong crusade! So, just tell him, and give him replies if you got downvoted:). Keep cool! Best regards.

Ahhh, good, a fellow steemian with similar views. Yes, you are right, I need to temper my comments. Sorry @mmmmkkkk311 for my crude remarks. Just be thankful I was not angry with you, mate!

Tell you what, we need people like you @mmmmkkkk311 to promote helpful causes. I don't know if you are aware, the CTPtalk tribe is launching a new token that will help people everywhere pay for their online activities, including gaming. Perhaps you could help us promote that awesome project, and just let SBI be?

So this crusader will be reach the opposite of his wrong intentions? I think so, just bring productive people togehter! SBI is okay in my point of view, esp. for the smaller ones! Maybe @mmmmkkkk311 have an other point of view, but he should discuss this first, instead of starting such a strange crusade.
And he has 150 k SP, a lot of authors would be pleased, if he would use his SP for upvoting and not for a crusade nobody needs. Best regards.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone


for Virtuous Circle of Steem ♨ BlockChain

how about upvoting and encouraging steemians rather than consume energy with auto downvoting trails just only because of invested SBI project upvoted by

ur VP and SP is good enough to help steemians for better tomorrow

Curate !

rather than just downvoting !

Posted using Partiko Android

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

SBI is one of the last reasons why I'm here on Steemit. It's one of the few reasons small players still get a decent vote. You take that away and Steem is done.

You should go downvote the bots not the people.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

Ah I see. That explains everything.

I really think that you are targeting an issue that isn't really there. Downvotes are a part of the system and that's fine that you are using your stake to balance what you see as bad behavior. I think that is no bad thing but in my opinion SBI is a great initiative that people have used to sponsor smaller accounts so that they can receive some small upvotes and encouragement on their posts which can be very tough starting off and seeing zero on all of your posts.

It was put together by a dedicated steemian that has added to STEEM rather than taken from it and i would love if you used your stake to encourage smaller active users rather than drive them away. For me Downvotes should be used for loering reawards of spammers, plagerisers and people that are hurting our community but I can't agree with you thatSBI is responsible for any of those things.

To anybody downvoting Polish users I would also ask you to stop as that is no going to solve anything other than further hurt active users. We have a small community right now and I would love to see us all try to encourage and promote STEEM and it's apps rather than hurt it and attack other people. We need to have long term vision rather than looking one week at a time with our actions. Ask what would add the most value to STEEM over the next year.

If people think that down voting SBI and flags wars are the answer i would say that you are sorely mistaken. If you think that it is to read, comment and upvote active and interesting people on their posts to encourage them to do more then i will join that fight with you.

We all want to earn money and see STEEM succeed so why not act with that purpose in mind and try to grow our users and increase the price of STEEM. More people equals a higher price. More people equals more publicity and more development. Think long term and not about the reward on your latest posts. Do the right things to help the community grow and not drive away it's existing members.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

a nice new voting pattern --

rewarding authors of quality original good content, the only important reason / justify for Steemit's existence. what you doing is shooting into content creator -- its like shooting into your own leg

good luck man, good luck with that

maybe you justify me in opinion that all Polish are crazy

dont think so- but maybe one is crazy:)

haha! maybe so!!

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he's just actively fucking up everyone

i was told so, yes.. he stopped getting money from running his bot and is bitching around at his more successful 'rivals' :P

Why you downvote my post anything is going wrong??

Posted using Partiko Android

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

Rozumiem waszą misję, ale uważam za nieprzyzwoite obniżanie wartości wszystkich wkładów bez ich odczytania.
80% postów, które zdegradowałeś, zasługuje na ten mały prezent.

Having just spent some time reading through the 100+ replies to this post, it's fair to say that it has been nothing if not interesting.

Firstly some observations - I've seen two main types of response here. The first is clearly emotional, angry and combatative. Whilst understandable when we all have some skin in the game to some level, it doesn't really help anyone. The second is seeking to understand and hopefully resolve differences.

I hopefully fall into the latter with this post.

I understand that you see @steembasicincome in a similar sense to the old style bid bots that dominated the landscape before the last hard fork. Given many of those bidbots were happy to indiscriminately upvote utter trash or plagiarism so long as they were paid. I get it, I really do.

Where SBI differs is that @josephsavage and his team put in a lot of work to ensure that kind of crap is not rewarded. There are plenty of users that have been blacklisted by SBI for this type of behaviour. The idea of the scheme is to reward Steem users who make the effort to enhance the blockchain and not those who are just looking to cash in.

Is there room for improvement? Almost certainly? What does that improvement look like? Stopping upvotes on comments? Worth considering. Shutting down the sbi-booster? Maybe. But isn't the best option here to open the lines of communication to find the middle ground that everyone can work with?

I do have one other question as well. Your downvotes on SBI posts are, as you rightly state, relatively small in the scheme of things. It has been described as a "tax" of sorts, not intended to impact organic support. The trailing downvotes with your staked tokens, however, in some cases are, even at a low percentage, impacting at a higher level than any rewards received from SBI in the form of these tokens. As has been stated previously multiple times, your stake is yours to wield as you see fit, but I would ask that you consider at the very least reviewing the impact of these token based downvotes in the overall scheme of your objective.

Thanks for your consideration.

Posted using Partiko Android

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

I just downvoted your post. A post that declines payout. Makes as much sense as you downvoting my posts or comments supported by SBI shares. Shares I got by buying Steem. Hard earn fiat money I have put into Steem. Thanks!

That is the wrong way because now this Post is hidden!
And all must bee informed for this stupig guy!!
Resteem this post is the better way - i think!
Here a little !BEER for you from the Germans :-)

Maybe you're right. :)

Removed my downvote!

Downvoting make no sense!
the better way upvote the Accounts from SBI Member to compensat this stupid!
Followme I make today or tommorow a spezial Post abaout This!

Hey @d0zer, here is a little bit of BEER from @miketr for you. Enjoy it!

Hi and hello.
Who ran over your dog or what is this DownVote shit? If you want to compensate something, then dismember your neighbors and sort their parts alphabetically like other psychopaths.

Thank you, your friendly Downvote victim from the neighborhood :)

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

Well said !BEER

Hey @dotwin1981, here is a little bit of BEER from @miketr for you. Enjoy it!

There it goes you don't know at all what SBI is.
Do you think people is buying votes for $0.1 upvote spending 50steem?
-->No because it is not vote selling/buying.

Do you think people is happy to be involved in a scam?
-->Most steemians judges not a scam while they know the goal of SBI.

You should research/investigate what it is before taking an action.
And I suggest you to think why the majority of #newsteem neighbors are disagreeing what you are doing while you are calling #newsteem.

Still it is the right what you want to do but thats hurting the value of steem, from my perspective, and it will not protect your investments as you are trying to.

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

Yes I know that and really bad for small accounts.

Ok, nobody profits, all money (minus little upvotes) are going to sbi accounts. Some day when price goes up owner will decide to cash out and say sayonara. Thank you. You have been scammed.

Since you are downvoting this SCAM ALERT, I have to assume you endorse scammers:

Unless I feel so

Since the mindless downvoting of my posts (and others) - which literally took me hours to complete, one of which I may not receive much payment for - for my shares in SBI, will people here be willing to show their support for the work that I have done if you like it?

If it is so wrong to have SBI shares, what other options do you have for those of us who have SBI shares? Will you support my work from here on out, @@@mmmmkkkk311, since it is deed wrong by you to be getting support from a community?

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

Dig a hole and bury yourself. You're not running anyone off the platform. You're like a gnat at best.

Dear @mmmmkkkk311

Po co pisac posta po angielsku, jesli wiekszosc twoich celow i ludzi na ktorych sie "wyzywasz" nie zna tego jezyka.

Nie odbierajcie tych downvotów personalnie a raczej ze zrozumieniem tego że nawet złodziej ma prawo do obrony własnych racji.

Zasadniczo ciezko nie jest zauwazyc rosnacej bardzo mocno niecheci coraz wiekszej ilosci ludzi do Twojej osoby.
Ja Ciebie nie znam i mam nadzieje nigdy nie miec "przyjemnosci" poznawac. Dla dobra tej platformy mam nadzieje znudzisz sie i odejdziesz stad.

Niestety większość ludzi nadal nie widzi nic złego w wymianie i kupowaniu głosów i nie rozumie jak wielkie zmiany wprowadził HF21.
Ty z kolei wydajesz sie nie rozumiec, ze downvotujac na prawo i lewo nie zbudujesz swiadomosci ludzi. Jedyne co robisz to zniechecasz uzytkownikow do tego aby kontynuowali swoja przygode tutaj.

Trudno nie patrzec na Ciebie jak na pasozyta w tym systemie ...

Z powazaniem

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

Hum, I really don't like BOT. I haven't used a BOT to upvote my posts since my blog posts are often politically related and may be downvoted at any time.

You have the right to downvote if you do not like or to express your views. I really respect that.
However, the reasons for the downvote listed in this article don't seem to cover me. Unless you really don't like what I'm writing. !!!

Finally, thanks for the information & have a nice day!

Sorry @mmmmkkkk311 , I forgot about the SBI farm. Hihi
It's a pity that I've been in it for a long, long time. Fortunately only a small number!

"mk" used to run a bidbot. he downvotes people "who have sbi shares". he's just actively fucking up everyone

LOL Fortunately my stake is very small at SBI! khakha
Thank you for the explanation @felipejoys :)


Good idea, I think this is @steemcleaners job, protect community from scam like @steembasicincome

Since you are downvoting this SCAM ALERT, I have to assume you endorse scammers:

Mk just seems like a butthurt douche bag. Bidbods were stopped so he lost out and hes pissed that other peoples ideas like sbi are what is helping people. I have spent 0 dollars on sbi shares. I was sponsored by asking in the discord, someone else sponsored me in discord for asking more about how it works and then I won a few shares from contests. To me that's all profit, where is the scam in that? Why would I use the skip feature if all the upvotes I receive are for profit? I'm knowingly not creating shitposts and I welcome all the attention. Mk is butthurt because hes not raping people on a buy my reblog votes anymore, so why should other people profit from better ideas. I dont have 500 dollars to drop in SP, matter of fact I had to stop posting this past week since upvotebuilders closed down because of this guy and had to rearrange the small stake I've earned. So I couldn't curate anyone's post for them to profit and I received no profit from curating. Not even less than a measly penny! Mk and his alts will be the downfall to this platform, he will burn his own investment.

Posted using Partiko Android

Give me your SBI units if youre going to bitch about it.

Since you are downvoting this SCAM ALERT, I have to assume you endorse scammers:

Where is the english version my dude :c

You can ask the google translator!
So long a little bit German !BEER enjoy it ;-)

Thats polish isn't it? Haha xD

Hey @cwow2, here is a little bit of BEER from @miketr for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Bezsensowne krucjaty przynoszą efekt przeciwny do zamierzonego (google translator, sorry i dont speak polish)
In german i said: Sinnlose Kreuzzüge sind kontraproduktiv.

Wie geil! :-)
Prost heist auf polsky auch Prost! :-)

Na dann mal:

Ein polnisches !BEER :-)

Darauf kann es nur eine harte Antwort geben, Może być tylko jedna trudna odpowiedź (laut google zumindest):
!invest_vote und !BEER

Übrigends muffin hat sich auf einen Post bei mir gemeldet und wurde auch gleich von mmmhh geflalgt!
Mal schauen was nun passiert! ;-)

:)) Hihi, wie gesagt, "positive" Gegenstrategie gegen solche Crusader: replies schreiben und die müssen halt upgevoted werden.

Alles schön aber komm wir machen vorläufig Schluss!
Sonst kommen die bekannten wieder auf schlechte Gedanken! ;-)
Morgen ist ein neuer Tag ;-)

einverstanden, allerdings liegt neben dem PC noch ein Stapel Diktate etc, so dass ich zweigleisig bis. ca. 01.00 uhr weiter steeme, möglichst friedlich natürlich. Muss das Zeug aber noch ein das Diktiergerät einlabern:)

Hey @miketr, here is a little bit of BEER from @balte for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

@balte denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?

Hey @balte, here is a little bit of BEER from @miketr for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER


what is Plato?!!

what is search engine for?

GOOGLE what else?

search for some crusaders, maybe?:)

Who is plato?

Einen hab ich noch:-)

Pomoc plato
Pomoc plato!!
Pomoc plato!!!!!!!

Pomoc plato !!!!!!!!

Da kann ich nur sagen:
Platon na żywo!
Platon na żywo!
Platon na żywo!
na zawsze!
Sorry to all polish guys, thats the google translator!

Halt-und das allerletzte, echt:
!invest_vote und !BEER

Der krönende Abschluss vom beerlover!
You cannot sent token to yourself.
Geil ich binn nur am lachen!
Ruhig Brauner :-)

Hat er aber leider recht gehabt ich hab zunächst das erst versehentlich an mich geschickt (bin ja auch super:) wegen Übernächtigung- das Zeug was ich grad diktiere wird auch immer übler, geht an deutsche Rentenversicherung, Krankenkassen, Sozialamt etc., wird mir wieder eine Menge an Ärger bringen:).
Und sicher mehr als auf dieser Chain, bleiben wir cool, peace, bro!

@balte denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?

You cannot sent token to yourself.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment