Parliamentary Replace Movement 2019 | Gerakan ganti Parlemen 2019

in politic •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hi .. all stemian

A little info from where originally, a number of Aceh Singkil youth community began to do a t-shirt movement that reads # replacement DPRK Aceh Singkil Electoral District (Dapil) One.

Hai.. Stemian semua
Sedikit info entah dari mana mulanya, sejumlah masyarakat pemuda Aceh Singkil mulai melakukan gerakan kaos bertuliskan #ganti DPRK Aceh Singkil Daerah Pemilihan(Dapil) Satu.


What is certain is that the Legislative change movement in the Parliamentary Seat is inspired by the 2019 presidential viral shirt in the latest online and social media.

Yang pasti gerakan perubahan ganti Legislatif di Kursi parlemen tersebut terinspirasi dari kaos ganti presiden 2019 yang viral di media online dan sosial baru baru ini.

The coordinator of the T-shirt movement reads #2019 changes DPRK Aceh Singkil Dapil I Arfan, said that the action was done because they were considered to have failed to fight for the rights of the people's interests.

Koordinator gerakan kaos bertuliskan #2019 ganti DPRK Aceh Singkil Dapil I Arfan menuturkan, aksi itu dilakukan karena mereka dinilai telah gagal memperjuangkan hak - hak kepentingan rakyat.

"At the time of their flood disaster, that was the fact, when the two villages of Teluk rumbia and the resettled village of Rantau gedang were diverted unilaterally, but the councils in the silent seat of the parliament were silent, with no silent remarks shows a sense of defense, "he said Tuesday April 17, 2018.

"pada saat bencana banjir mereka dimana, hal itu sudah fakta, di saat perumahan dua desa yakni desa Teluk rumbia dan desa Rantau gedang yang direlokasi dialihkan secara sepihak, tapi Dewan - dewan di kursi empuk parlemen tak bersuara, tak berkomentar diam seribu bahasa tanpa ada menunjukkan rasa pembelaan," katanya Selasa 17 April 2018.

Movement T-shirts bertuliska #2019 Replace DPRK Dapil I will continue in socialisasikaan to the community until the election time 2019 later with the order of clothes as many as 1000 pieces.

Gerakan kaos bertuliska #2019 Ganti DPRK Dapil I akan terus di sosialisasikaan ke masyarakat sampai tiba waktu pemilihan tahun 2019 nanti dengan tempahan baju sebanyak 1000 helai.

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Salam kenal bang. Saya dari Singkil juga. Heee

Iya salam kenal @djamidjalal, dipulosarok

Saya pemuka bang.

Ok sesekali gabung sama abang ya,

Siip bang

Yang pasti ganti baju, kawan👏👏👏

dapat baju gratis kalau dikasih hehe