"Stop the Hate"

in political-opinion •  6 years ago 


I have to say something here.

  1. I did not like Obama from the start, not because he was Black, not that at all. I had a gut feeling and I pay attention to that. I did not like the controversy over his birth certificate, the fact that so many qualified people could show that what was presented had been manipulated, so was very probably fake.
    I did not like all the executive orders.
    I did not like all “get out of jail free” cards (speaking figuratively)…
    I did not vote for Obama, I have always self identified as Republican, though I have many ‘Liberal’ aspects about my life and values.

  2. I DID NOT vote for Trump. I was in turmoil over this election, I couldn’t stand Trump and how he acted and spoke, but I even more disliked Hillary because of her history, her hidden agendas and her behaviors.
    It was on the way to vote that day, that I heard him say something ELSE that was absurd, and I made the spur of the moment decision, and hating myself, I voted for Hillary.

  3. Now, what’s done is done. All I see from both sides, the right and the left, the Dems. and the Repubs….everyone of FB is passing around memes and pictures that are doing NOTHING but perpetuating the violence, the hatred, the distrust and the conflict.

It is not the president, it is not really the congress, it is the PEOPLE who make this country great, it is the PEOPLE who, being united in their purpose, make this country great.

All this division. All this ‘rubbing salt in the losers wounds’, all this back biting and rhetoric against the incoming administration, all these things ARE NOT HELPING ANYTHING!!!!

We should all just stop this stupidity, and pull together to make the best of what is now the reality. That is all we can do and all we should do.
Stop the hating. Pull together to do THE NEXT RIGHT THING. Refuse to be baited in by all these hatemonger’s.

“Stop the hate”

Jerry E Smith

Forest Couple

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.