The Implemented/Real Basic Political Spectrum

in political-spectrum •  9 years ago 

The Implemented/Real Basic Political Spectrum

The real Basic Political Spectrum is From 100% rule of a dictatorship(Total Gov) to 0% like that of Anarchy(NO Gov). What is in between you ask? Everything. Establishment government (both GOP And Dems)are both to the left of the center point. US Constitution is center.

As you can see, we are getting dangerously close to being a Dictatorship. This country has been using force to redistribute wealth for generations.

The tale of Left vs. Right

The tale of Left vs. Right is what THEY used to divide and conquer us. As you can see in this picture (the so called Generic Political Spectrum), THEY have distorted reality. What this drawing shows as extremes is in fact the same point on the "Basic Political Spectrum" shown above! YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED!

Although, the this so-called Loft-Right political spectrum Is our creation. Our creation because of the Culture we nurture. In fact, it accurately reflects the careful, artificial polarization of the population on phony Issues that prevents the issue of our power from arising in their minds.

And Democracy is just a Stepping Stone to Communism!. This from

What's Really Crazy

And what's really crazy is that we have jumped on board this deception with both feet. To explain:

• Author David Brin warned that "self-righteous indignation" has become an addiction that is gripping America and is worse that "heroin, cocaine, and alcohol combined." Brin explained that the thrill derived from being sanctimonious was beneficial in previous years when warfare was more commonplace, but has become crippling to the psyche of the modern population and has given rise to an "outrage industry" which fuels political polarization. "If you're constantly returning to the sense of pleasure that you get from being so right," he cautioned, "there is a real chance that you're a junkie." He blamed this paradigm for causing the death of negotiation and the inability to spawn conversations about problems which "could easily be solved if we just talked to each other." This from thanks to
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democracy is the stepping stone to communism. That's because communism is freedom