Student Loan Liquidity Policy Makes Student Customer (Kebijakan Student Loan Petaka Menjadikan Mahasiswa Nasabah) #StudentLoan3

in political •  7 years ago 


English : What if the policy is applied in Indonesia ?, Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) once made a survey about the source of student income of Indonesia, which is 88.16% of student financing comes from parents / family. 4.6% depends only on scholarships.

Indonesia : Bagaimana kalau kebijakan itu di terapkan di Indonesia ?, Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) pernah membuat survei mengenai sumber pendapatan mahasiswa Indonesia, yaitu 88.16 % pembiayaan mahasiswa berasal dari orang tua/keluarga. 4.6 % hanya bergantung pada beasiswa.

English : It was also mentioned when the student's parents were charged the bill, most of them borrowed: brothers 32%, bank 28%, and mortgage 13%. So now only the average parent is already in debt in order to meet the bill of education of his child. (Admit high education is expensive and not everyone can access it).

Indonesia : Disitu juga disebutkan ketika orang tua mahasiswa dikenai tagihan pembayaran, sebagian besar mereka meminjam : saudara 32%, bank 28%, dan pegadaian 13%. Jadi sekarang saja rata-rata orang tua sudah berhutang demi memenuhi tagihan pendidikan anaknya. ( Akuilah pendidikan tinggi itu mahal dan tidak semua orang dapat mengaksesnya ).

English : This means that if student Loan in practice, the first victim is a poor household and middle class. Because of the previous narrative on "expensive exclusive education", higher education at the time and the future will only think about how to get profit as much as possible. And the only way to get a higher education is just MONEY CURRENCY MONEY.

Indonesia : Artinya kalau student Loan di praktekan, korban pertamanya adalah rumah tangga miskin dan kelas menengah. Karena dari narasi sebelumnya mengenai "pendidikan ekslusif yang mahal", pendidikan tinggi saat dan kedepannya hanya akan memikirkan bagaimana cara mendapatkan profit sebanyak-banyaknya. Dan satu-satunya cara untuk memperoleh pendidikan tinggi adalah hanya dengan UANG UANG SAMBIL NGEHUTANG.

English : That will only force little people to work continuously just to pay its debts, Lifetime.

Indonesia : Yang hanya akan memaksa orang-orang kecil bekerja terus menerus hanya untuk membayar hutangnya, Seumur hidup.

for friends who feel less complete discussions are expected to read my previous post

Muhammad Arief

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