So I went in for a job interview today, showed up 10 minutes early. When I got there the guy shook my hand and took me into his office. He told me, "Yeah, we had one other interview that was supposed to start a few minutes ago, and another that's about 20 minutes late. I guess we can just get you done now." Back and forth we talked a bit, he seemed really impressed with the answers I was giving. He handed me a few papers to fill out for background check (mine is clean). He pulled out a list of questions he is supposed to ask me and said, "Let's see how you do with this one, Name one occasion you went above and beyond to provide the best customer service, or to help a fellow employee." As soon as he asked it I knew my response, "I was working down in Tennessee at a Papa John's. Most of the people you first get on the phone there are high school kids at there first job. Throughout the day these kids kept turning around asking me questions. They would repeat my answer to the customer only to be given another question they would have to ask me. So in our down time I took the initiative to train these kids with everything they need to know when a customer calls up with a complaint or question. Wasn't but a few weeks before they where able to stop having to hold up the customer." His response, "Wow, I know plenty of people that would of just let them drown in that situation." At the end of the interview he hand me a packet of papers. On top is a "drug-free workplace" form. I look at him and say, "Your going to find THC in my system. Is that going to be a problem? I don't smoke before work, and would never bring it to work. I use it to help me sleep. Sometimes I'll lay there for hours not being able to sleep leaving me groggy and unproductive." He says hang on, I hear mumbling in the next room, "Mumble Mumble THC Mumble Mumble." reply, "Mumble of course Mumble." He comes back in the room, takes the packet back and says, "I'll have to talk with the other supervisors, but it's looking like it is going to be a problem." He said he is going to call me tomorrow with the final answer, but I think I already know what it's going to be. Why, I mean I can go get shit faced waisted tonight and still piss clean tomorrow. I'm going to be completely unproductive and feel like shit, but my piss is clean. I can go snort an 8 ball of coke risking my life and your productivity if I die, but I'll still piss clean on Monday. All while 1 joint can stay in your system for days maybe weeks after the fact, despite the "intoxication" only lasting for maybe an hour or so. We pride ourself on being a free society, yet we ignore the hypocracy of injustices that where built on lies.
Norml probably said it better, it's time to end discrimination of individuals who choose to exercise true freedom within their personal lives.