I don't self-identify as a capitalist, but that's mostly connotation.

in political •  3 years ago 


That doesn't mean I don't believe in a system of voluntary human interactions for mutual benefit, regulated by the state only or at least primarily to protect people from force, fraud, and abuse, or that I don't believe that price signals are necessary for efficiently ordering the distribution of resources, or that I don't believe that a mix of cooperation and competition isn't a benefit to the world, or that capitalism as understood by capitalists hasn't lifted people out of poverty far more effectively than any other system, or that I don't believe in the dignity of work or merit being an important metric, or that I don't believe in human freedom, or that I don't believe in incentives mattering.

I simply believe that I shouldn't substitute the word "capitalist", a term coined and popularized by the enemies of free markets, for my preferred moniker of "classical liberal", just because the modern reading of "liberal" is essentially "illiberal". The term capitalism was coined to pretend there's a preference for capital over labor, money over people, among those who believe in freedom and individual rights... which is simply not the case. In a just system, capital and labor consensually fuck to make the babies like progress, technological advancement, and higher living standards... and money is a way that people can more closely interact, exchange, effectively cooperate, peacefully compete, and thrive.

I simply don't want an organization that claims as it's defining characteristic a legal monopoly on force to extensively control our interactions with one another as people, as individuals, or even as members of groups we voluntarily joined. An outside organization defined by force should not have primacy in our relationships with one another in any peaceful society, and should tread lightly.

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