Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain.

in political •  9 years ago 

First of all, "government" is a group of men and women who do business at the barrel of a gun. Some people think this is "lolbertarianism." But I just wanted to get that definition out of the way, up front. When I refer to "government" as an "it," that's just shorthand for "a group of men and women who do business at the barrel of a gun." I don't want to have to type "a group of men and women who do business at the barrel of a gun" over and over, so I'll just type "government", "they," or "it."

I just wanted to clarify that "government" isn't really a thing. But I also don't want to have to keep throwing scare quotes around the word. That would be obnoxious.

Now that we've got the semantics out of the way, did you know that thing about voting? If you don't vote, you can't complain. It's true voting is the only way government can hear you. There really isn't any other forum that does anything useful. Voting is your only option.

I know some people think that when any form of government becomes destructive, yadda, yadda. If it's not been destructive enough, then I don't know how much more destructive it'll have to get in order to qualify. So that's obviously not an option, only voting.

You can't sue government unless it lets you. So voting is still your only option.

You can't boycott government unless you're willing for them to come after you with force. So again, voting is your only option.

You can't ignore government because it's there whether you ignore it or not. That's right. The men and women who do business at the barrel of a gun, those people exist whether you like it or not. Again, voting is your only option.

And by the way, the voting does nothing, just like the goggles. If you vote "yes" then you approve of government. If you vote "no" then you are saying that "yes" was just as legitimate as "no." "Yes" and "No" are both approvals of government. You can only vote "yes" or "no." Those two choices comprise your only option.

"No" means you think it's valid either way, just not right now. If the law being considered is, "Should we kill babies for fun?" and you say "no," you are saying that it is valid for government to ask if it can kill babies for fun, but please don't kill babies for fun, thank you.

You can vote for the bigger evil or the lesser evil. Voting "yes" on the "Should we kill babies for fun?" is the bigger evil. But people get tripped up on how "no" on this topic could be the lesser evil. How can voting "no" on "Should we kill babies for fun?" be evil?

Well, like I said. Government considers it valid to ask. It could go either way on that topic. Government claims it doesn't know if it should or shouldn't. If a person in front of you asked your permission, wouldn't you wonder if they were sane? Government wants to do insane things and it wants the citizen to take responsibility.

Now, theoretically, government could ask valid questions. One valid question might be, "Should we shut down Agency X and replace it with nothing?" You'll never see that up for a vote, though.

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FALSE: You are a citizen and you each have 1 vote per ballot line. You have 100% right to do with that vote WHATEVER you wish...and abstaining a vote does not mean that you can't complain, in fact, it's the loudest way TO complain. Not voting is called "None of the Above" or NOTA. NOTA is clearly a vote of no confidence of the existing powersthatbe as well as the options presented.

Always vote your conscience, even if that is a NOTA vote.