Do you want to support folks that stood up for your freedom and lost control of their lives to do it?

in politicalprisoners •  5 years ago

This website is your central place to go to find out about all things political prisoners have going.

It's not like you don't know that gulags already exist in 'murica.
You know it as well as you know the sun will come up in the east tomorrow.

You undoubtedly have members of your own circle that have been imprisoned for drugs.

Weed is not a crime!

It is a political offense.
It is the ultimate finger to authoritarians everywhere.

I'm certainly glad that only had to do my time once for it, and lived long enough to see my side ultimately prevail.

Take the time now to look around this page and if you can participate, please do.

From the page:


Now only $10 per copy!



I know most of us go through our days without so much as a thought to the folks that lost their lives to bring us the 8 hour day, health insurance, and vacation pay.

We don't much lookout for those that did calendar years behind bars to keep the supply of weed available to all the medical patients that needed it.
Or the 'free' people that needed to stroke their freedoms.

Well, dear reader, here is your chance to chip in to their piece of the pie.

Crapitalism certainly could care less about them, do you?

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Cool. Copy on route to :

Jeremy Hammond
#18729-424, FCI MANCHESTER - POST BOX 4000, MANCHESTER KY 40962, United States

Prisoner copy shipping · Free

For those interested, Jeremy has been moved to Alexandria Detention Center.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."--Thos. Jefferson

While patriots is a word that today conveys a meaning of blind faith, near sycophantism, Jefferson lived in a time when his use of the word meant believers in freedom. It has been the work of centuries to reduce the republic he helped birth to the corrupt empire it has become in it's dotage.

In the sense in which he meant it, all the political prisoners I know of are patriots who have sacrificed their lives and treasure for the freedom we all depend on for our happiness.


Thank you for pointing these things out. I don't always agree with the broader Concepts you talk about but I always get something from your posts. Truth fears no scrutiny and you obviously realize this. It's why I sometimes even when I don't agree with the message you're trying to purvey I don't leave a comment about it because the truth in the details you provide is just that the truth. If we could all just recognize that aspect the other differences would mean a lot less than they do now because we would all have one common enemy instead of fighting each other. Thanks again for all you do it is much appreciated.

Posted using Partiko Android

Keep coming down the freedom path, if you notice the right data you will catch up,...

Most of the stuff I put out was printed a long me ago.
The ideas are not new, just hidden in the infowar.

Actually I do- that's why I write about Julian Assange, Schaeffer Cox and others wrongly imprisoned or marginalized

Yes, you do.
But, you are exceptional.
Doing so is par for your course.

Cox is another hero of mine, sadly far less known to most folks. It is a tribute to your extensive inquiries into our freedom that you know of him and the unlawful oppression he suffers.


Thanks for your article. I have always had the feeling that none of this nonsense over weed is even necessary. I don't think it should have been ever made illegal. The only conflict was a threat to Hearst's fortune back in the day.

Yep, we could've skipped oil, cotton, medicine, and alcohol had we actually had freedom rather than lying to ourselves about slavery we called freedom.
Those industries wouldn't exist as we know them today, and our world would be much cleaner, IMO.

I'm not too sure about the medicine part. I agree with everything else. If I remember correct lobbying against hemp, at least in the U.S., was due to competition against the paper industry, but yeah, we lied to ourselves and trusted government without validation. The oil industry was so filthy rich; they could afford sessions with politicians to talk about how dangerous hemp was to the nation. Ugh

It is horrible what they have been allowed to do while the masses stared into the flashylight boxes.

We appear to be getting a handle on that now that the dumpster fire is in office.

Freedom is in the air for the taking,...

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