Left-wing politics and right-wing politics are often presented as opposed, although a particular individual or group may take a left-wing stance on one matter and a right-wing stance on another; and some stances may overlap and be considered either left- or right-wing depending on the ideology.
-Google search, Wikipedia
I just did a search for “politics Right vs Left” and the passage above was the first thing that came up. I starting to wonder what’s the point of having right wing or left wing parties. You can have issues that would be considered right or left wing but you will have people that take issues and policies from either party, one party or both parties. It probably helps to organize those individual groups efforts so they can lobby more efficiently and to make sure their members are united. But the people don’t follow strictly left or right wing policies or agendas. Their personal lives are nuanced, so their political views follow that same path. There are people on the right and the left that are radicals but they’re not healthy, well adjusted people. Zealots normally aren’t. So what’s the point of being in a political party? Can I pursue the issues that are important to me without having to rely on a political party so my voice can at least be heard as part of a collective? Do I need a collective to make a change?d I think this is why people say you should be more involved in local politics if you want to have an impact on the government. I’ve just always been a Democrat. For as long as I can remember, I’ve allied with them and thought “If I’m not a Democrat, I’m a Republican. Independent just means I’m undecided or disillusioned with the Dems.” I’ve never thought about abandoning the Right vs Left tug of war, even though I’ve known it’s a circle jerk. Another problem is I’m too comfortable letting others vote and lobby for my interests. But that’s most people, who are too busy living their live and taking care of their important day to day shit to be involved in politics the way they would need to be to have a direct democracy.
But that still leaves me with the question: Why am I a Democrat? I don’t know what that word means anymore on a personal level. The same can be said for being a Republican. I think I’m more liberal than conservative. People should be free to change anything about society and the world around them. And to a cautious extent, even well established norms should be questioned and dismantled, IF, a better system can be put in its place. I don’t think you should question just to question or to dismiss something just because it’s old or traditional but nothing should be left alone just because as far as anyone can tell it has always stood. Nothing is above criticism or critique. But you don’t rip up the foundation of a system or structure without knowing what you’re going to put in its place. But all that rambling doesn’t answer the question.