I disagree with Obama...that we can get done what desperately needs to be done (now) with a totally non inspirational and turtle-esque approach towards leadership.

in politicalviews •  8 years ago 

Obama is a truly great person and he gave a great speech but even he can't put a good sheen on Hillary Clinton...it wasn't the "40 years in the public arena" that explains why she is so incredibly disliked by so many in both parties....no, Barack...Hillary earned the huge majority of her disdain, brick by brick and 2/3 of the American public knows it. Don't try and sell me that bridge.

Obama set my ears back when he said that progress "is slow" and we should just get on the covered wagon of progress, or something like that! WRONG! A visionary who engages the people can drive things very quickly...if you don't know then ask the LGBT community, a despised community by most just a few years ago. They have turned this country upside down in a nanosecond. They hit a single, stole second, moved to third on a fly ball, and came home on a wild pitch, all this in one inning. Ask every US Senator, including Hillary, how he or she felt just 5 years ago about same sex marriage...to a man or woman they were almost all against it (not Bernie, though). Hillary was against it just a few years ago.

The LGBT community is brilliant at moving the chains. If such a previously non sympathetic group can make their own future, then why not those pushing for a war on income inequality, etc?

Tell a young mother with two young kids that if she votes for Hillary, and waits long enough, maybe until Chelsea is President, her grandchildren might be able to escape poverty, go to college, and rise.

Everyone you hear talking on TV...every single one of them...the politicians, the media, the delegates, the police, those who are setting up the stage and adjusting the lighting...none of those are among the 16% of Americans who are living in poverty....none!

I, for one, am not drinking the "kool aid" that Barack was trying to sell me by lauding Hillary...and her "judgment". Her judgment??? It's horrible. It's deadly!

I'll vote for her kicking and screaming AND with plugged nose, but don't push it, Obama.

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