My political thoughts of today 8-15-16

in politicalviews •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you become President of the United States you, historically, have a 1 in 10 chance of being killed while in office.

Imagine that....what other job in the world brings with it a 1 in 10 chance of being killed by an assassin's bullet?

And, 1 in 7.5 will be shot.

Assassinated Presidents (shot and killed):





Shot Presidents:



Assassinated Candidates for President:

Robert Kennedy

Shot Candidates for President:

George Wallace

How do you feel about this? I think that jail time (for even one second) is just like jail time for a black marrying a white, or for a gay strange is this compared to homosexuality? At least this is a man and a is much less bizarre in many ways. Everything is based on our what we are used to....

I totally embrace the gay lifestyle but if I am going to do that then I shouldn't be a hypocrite when it comes to this...these are two adults who want to have a romantic relationship...who am I (or the government) to say that this should be illegal and punishable by law....

certainly if this happens when the child is a minor then it should be penalized.......

interesting....this is what the evangelicals were saying about gay marriage...and they had a point...what is next? If sisters and brothers want to marry how can we say that that is wrong but sex between two men is fine....?

food for thought...


Can we all agree at this point that no one in the history of American life has ever achieved the level of focus and attention as Donald Trump....Santa Claus is a very very distant second--A cannot even see with a high powered telescope second.

It's an obsession that I could never have imagined until now. He dominates every news cycle....every time he says anything at all the cameras are rolling and it is in the news in real time and it is dissected and discussed for days and weeks by everyone. It has been reported that the word "Trump" has been the first words spoken by more than a few babies over the last year.

If Jesus came back to earth tomorrow morning from the clouds driving a Unicorn driven chariot it would not be the lead story in the news that day. There would be 4 or 5 stories about Trump or about people responding to Trump and then the story about the Messiah returning to earth would sneak in after the commercial.


Tremendous Trump fatigue. There is a lot more to talk about but since Bernies voice has been silenced it's all trump all the time. I get it...he's a lunatic who has no chance at being elected.

I had the hope, as did the Bernie supporters, that this election was going to be FOR something...a desperate victory for the working people. Instead, it's just an election to keep a lunatic out of the WH. Nothing changed...

Hillary only talks about Trump...

Bernie spoke not of Trump or Hillary, but of the serious income inequality, the billionaire class, Wall Street reform, a living wage.



What more do you need to know about the Muslim religion? There are penalties for an individual who no longer wants to be a Muslim. One of the punishments is death. The Koran explicitly states that leaving Islam is strictly forbidden. Its a "religious crime".

How is this tolerated? How can we respect any institution that punishes those who leave the institution. Would we accept the Boy Scouts of America if their guidebook called for the death penalty if you quit the Boy Scouts?

I find nothing quaint or tolerable about Islam. The institutionalized misogyny and homophobia alone should make it totally unacceptable to anyone who considers themselves liberal or a believer in freedom.

It's a tragedy that we act like it is "just another religion we must respect".


1 out of 6 Americans live in poverty. Income inequality is growing daily, and we are telling the working class this election to be comforted only in fighting for a non-Trump as President.

It's not cause for celebration just because we stave off a lunatic candidate. It's The most Establishment candidate we have ever seen. Status quo will cause for celebration, party hats, etc..

In a year when 82% of the country believes we need change we are going to get more of the same.


We are now bombing ISIS in Libya...thanks Hillary for pushing Obama to depose Ghaddafi. It's a total disaster and Obama calls it his worst decision in the White House.

Trump is a nut job but Hillary's foreign policy decisions/instincts are horrible!

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If the "elected" (selected) president dont do what he was told and dont follow The NWO agenda, he will get killed like JFK!