Syria - Another War Crime Perpetuated by the US & UK

in politics •  7 years ago 

Seven years on from calls for 'regime change' and pleas of 'won't someone think of the children?', from the demonisation of the Assad regime in the Western Media (while it ignores lots of other unpleasant regimes around the world). Even after the horrors of the 20th century, after the crime-against-humanity that was the US/UK invasion of Iraq, after the rape and destruction of Libya and it's people, still, STILL we fell for the propaganda machine as it selected Syria as it's next target.

As each new 'bogeyman' is presented to us, we are made to forget context...about what happened all the other times the US/UK 'bombed countries for peace'. Iraq without the decade of crippling sanctions, then the war, then the utter devastation unleashed afterwards as the country collapsed, would (in all probability) still be an advanced nation with excellent education, healthcare and sanitation, human-rights, rule of law, equal rights for woman, wages approaching that of Western Europe. What did we get instead? MILLIONS dead, millions more crippled and injured, the country ripped apart and returned to the dark ages - no running water, no power grid, no secure food supply, no healthcare, no education, women's rights taken back to somewhere circe 1200 A.D.

But that was Iraq, Syria will be different. Let's see the results there:
500,000 deaths, over a million casualties, 12 million people left without homes. It was a seemingly endless struggle-without end against those (CIA trained, equipped and funded) bogey-men 'ISIS'. Then Russia appeared to help Assad's government and in a few short months the fighting was practically over. We can conclude two things from this: EITHER the greatest war-machine the world has ever seen (the US military) isn't actually very effective...OR the US/UK didn't want the Syrian conflict to end. I'll save you the trouble of deciding, it's the latter. An ongoing Syrian conflict served the interests of whoever pulls-the-strings in London and Washington.

I note (without surprise) that Russian bomber pilots have reported many cases where US airforce fighters prevented them bombing ISIS positions. In other words, the US/UK have been providing air cover for their allies (ISIS) on the ground.

I never thought I'd say it, but thank goodness for the Russians. Even with the devastation orchestrated from Washington and London, the Syrian state remained intact. Without them, we'd have had 'another Libya', with millions more desperate refugees crossing the Mediterranean and into Europe in search of hope.

Our 'leaders' and the Mainstream Media are a bunch of lying, murdering genocidal psychopaths. The only right/honourable thing to do as human beings that would prefer it if millions of other human beings weren't murdered in our name, is to withdraw our support for 'our' governments, media and banks (that seem to be the 'power behind the throne' directing and encouraging conflict).

Stop voting, stop consuming mainstream media, stop paying taxes. These are actions within our powers that can help start the process of preventing the 21st century just being a murderous re-run of the 20th.

Thank goodness for crypto.

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Its all about the money. War is business. The companies backed-up by governments and elites are making those guns, bullets, bombs, warships, aircraft, tankers, battle gears/equipment for profits. War will never gonna end because money also is a never ending numbers. The greedy will never be satisfied of money because for them, it takes money to be happy. There happiness will never end.

very philosophical :)

a little bit of a ranting philosophical style :)

i think it is again world war ... it is not a good news .. thank you for sharing this information through this article ... keep in touch i wanna see more in future

yeah possibly.

Here talks the doctor and human! You are so right. Whereas in Syria life for the people is a real nightmare we Europeans go on with or daily life as if this war happens on another planet.

I dont know why Rusia is still behind America,i think they have all what it takes.

As time goes by, we should be creating a peaceful and harmonic world, but instead we decide to blow each others brains out. I'd say we went the wrong direction. All the money speant on wars could be way more useful for something else. And all the damage they are doing, leaving people without homes, food, water, etc... something has to change.

'we' don't decide to be violent, it's the sociopaths & psychopaths that rise to the top of hierarchies of govt. & corporations.

Yeah, I meant "we" as all the goverments and people who control the world.


I've always thought that the fact that ISIS gave themselves an english name (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) provides a big clue to how they came about.

As you say always a new 'dictator' we need to go and 'free' the people from, and conveniently at the same time take their oil whilst we are there. Cant believe people still suck up this crap. Still not sure on the Russians though are they not just playing 'good cop'?

whatever the Ruskies motivation, it helped the people.

War is mainly business/political, If i have weapon to sell and there is no war, how do i sell them and make my money. Is too bad dthough, looking forward to a word without WAR.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.