The death of the truth

in politics •  7 years ago 

Time is kind of funny. Every year, New Year's comes around, and a bunch of us pledge that "2017 is going to be so much better than 2016". Gym memberships skyrocket, diets are started, and fitness trackers are sold. We treat high school and college graduations as these epochs in young people's lives, but the truth is that you're no more responsible on June 2nd than you were June 1st.

I don't know when truth died. I don't think it was the election of Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, or 9/11. I don't think it was when Rupert Murdoch launched Fox News or when he bought the Wall Street Journal. What I do know is that the truth matters less now than it has at any point in our history. This is frustrating, because the truth should be easier to get to today than ever. You can't shred an email or a tweet or truly delete a cell phone record. We have instant access to multiple sources of information, and nearly infinitely large DVRs and hard drives to record things. Police now wear bodycams, and virtually everyone has a cellphone with a video camera ready to go at all times. If there were a market for it, someone could start a news station that provided nothing but facts and smart people with no stake in anything there to interpret the facts.

Unfortunately, there is no market.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, @wikileaks has uncovered some very shocking details about Hillary Clinton and her satanic chief of staff, John Podesta! And the fake news media has covered it all up for so long!

I hope President Trump brings them both to justice.

Thank God Julian Assange and Wikileaks have an impeccable record of telling the truth!

These evil satanists must be brought to justice.

Pray to God that President Trump drains the swamp!

What has Trump done in the past 4 months that would make you think he will "drain the swamp"?

Firing James Comey is one major event. Putting in an honest Attorney General is another. Jeff Sessions is now replacing all the corrupt pedophile judges with honest judges. Defunding Planned Parenthood is another excellent decision. The satan child sacrifices will end.

Cleaning up the crooked government and Hollywood pedophiles is going to be a monumental task.

Let's focus on the John Podesta comment. How much work did you put in to verify whether that is true? Because if you search "John Podesta Spirit Cooking", the very first result is Snopes:

If you read that, it sounds like Podesta didn't attend the dinner in question. If you read the email exchange, he never even replies. If you dig in a little more, the woman isn't actually a satanist- she did a piece of performance art years ago. I could go on, but I would just be transcribing the Snopes article- you can take a look if you are inclined.

I guess my question is again- where did your info on this come from, and what did you do to fact check it?