Gun Control Logic

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Gun Control Logic
Real Stats from 1/1/17-1/1/18

Cause/ Number of Deaths/ What needs Banned
Heart Disease: 80795 Heart Disease
Cancer: 77800 Cancer
Tobacco: 46020 Cigarettes
Obesity: 40366 Silverware
Medical Errors: 33063 Medical Equiment
Stroke: 17501 Strokes
Respiratory Disease: 18795 Disease
Accident: 17889 Accidents
Hospital Infection: 13017 Infection
Alcohol: 13149 Alcohol
Diabetes: 10057 Sugar
Alzheimer's Disease: 12299 Alzheimer’s
Influenza/Pneumonia: 7262 Flu
Kidney Failure: 5623 Kidneys
Blood Infection: 4400 Blood
Suicide: 5624 Humans
Drunk Driving: 4445 Cars
Unintentional Poisoning: 4176 Unintentional Poisoning
All Drug Abuse: 3288 Drugs going real well right now
Homicide: 2209 Guns ?
Prescription Overdose: 1972 Drugs going real well right now
Murder by gun: 1511 Guns ?
Texting while Driving: 787 Phones/fingers
Pedestrian: 657 Crosswalks
Drowning: 515 Water
Fire Related: 460 Fire
Malnutrition: 364 Humans
Domestic Violence: 192 Punching
Smoking in Bed: 103 Sleep
Falling out of Bed: 77 Rolling the wrong way
Killed by Falling Tree: 19 Trees
Lawnmower: 9 Lawn mower hell no HUMANS

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