RE: The Delusional Right Wing

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The Delusional Right Wing

in politics •  8 years ago 

oh here we go, this is what I was looking for:

"2000: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice Capitalism. Can you list a single successful Socialist country?"
1900: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice Imperialism. Can you list a single successful non-Imperialist country?"
1800: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice slavery. Can you list a single successful free country?"
1700: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice Monarchy. Can you list a single successful Republican country?"
1600: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice Mercantilism. Can you list a single successful Capitalist country?
1500: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice Catholicism. Can you list a single successful Protestant country?
1400: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice Feudalism. Can you list a single successful non-Feudalist country?"
300: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice Paganism. Can you list a single successful Christian country?"
1200 BC: "I I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice bronze working. Can you list a single successful iron working country?"
3000 BC: "I can list you a ton of successful, first-world countries that practice stone working. Can you list a single successful bronze working country?""

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Compelling. But I take that as an admission that we haven't witnessed, to date, a socialist society that is also free?

women went to college 20+ years before the US in the USSR. I don't have the links now but the majority of stuff in the USSR was done by small-scale local councils.

Anarchist ukraine is another example.

In fact it essentially is not socialism without democracy.

Now to return that back to you, whats so free about being forced to work for the rich at the minimum upkeep wage of life or starve to death?

I have no doubt that's true - I believe that socialist/communist societies were always ahead of the 'West' in terms of liberation of women, in that specific sense. Now, I also believe they had more women in jail for saying the wrong things and being dissenters. But I guess it cuts both ways

"had more women in jail for saying the wrong things and being dissenters. "

The problem was, capitalists are violent. They will do anything to get back the power they had over the workers. Like mass killings of communists for instance.

In fact, they didn't do enough. An opportunist got in charge and over 7 years turned the USSR capitalist, against the will of the majority. So more should have been jailed, for going against the will of the people.

Who forces you to work for the rich? Name a (non socialist/communist) country where that is the case? Also, in what capitalist country do people starve to death? Defined as dying from mal-/lack of nutrition?

"Name a (non socialist/communist) country where that is the case? "

all of the third world, every imperalist colony, and the entire working class.

"Also, in what capitalist country do people starve to death? Defined as dying from mal-/lack of nutrition?"

I forgot the exact number but I think it is around 2 million a year or so. From poverty related causes, like lack of $0.6 vaccines, kills around 20 million a year. The exact numbers and sources are in links in the video on my post about capitalisms death toll.